Monday, August 30, 2004

Long time coming

HA! So much for updating my blog every day!

A lot of stuff has gone on recently. None of which is bad, just all of which has prevented me from being as blogger-active as I'd like to be. Let's recap

1. Started grad school last wednesday. Both classes went well. I think I might like my ed. psych class better than the other one, but we shall see. Both are going to be challenging but not all together hard.

2. Have to work 2 11-hour days this week. Kill me, someone. Please?!

3. Finally was able to clean my place. Now if I can only find something to do with the mass quantities of laundry that I don't have time to do.

4. I hurt myself a lot recently. Between the bone bruise on my finger, falling at the city museum, stubbing my toe, and then ramming the side of my hip into the counter (there's a nice gash and a bruise. You can see it if you want. It's all puffy and gross), I'm quite the picture of injured. Oh well, no pain no gain.

I think that's it as far as the recap goes.

There willl be some pics posted here within the next few days from the Scarlet Whore show last tuesday. Just as soon as I can figure out how to upload.

That's all for now.


Link of the week (a lot more realistic than LOTD) -->All About Balls

Current Music - Fatboy Slim : Sunset (Bird of Prey)

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Jane Says

I only titled my blog that way because that damn song has been in my head all day. Better than what was in my head last week -- Pinball Wizard by the Who. Not that PW is a bad song (not to be confused with PV), but it was in my song for a week straight. I was ready to cut my ear off (a la Van Gogh did when his ears wouldn't stop ringing. He sent his ear to a prostitute. Van Gogh was a very 'interesting' man).

Work went okay today. No real eventful stuff.

My sister got in a car wreck. She's ok. Her car isn't. She hit a 2005 Dodge Magnum. Click here to see what a Dodge Magnum looks like. It's gonna cost her a pretty penny to get her car fixed. Damn, first Joe and now my sister.

Don't really have too terribly much to say. I thought I had more. Oh well


Here's my link of the day for you guys --> The OFFICIAL rules of calling Shotgun.

Current Music : - Meshuggah - The Mouth Licking What You've Bled

The reason

I'll make this quick. I'm late for work.

The reason I came to Blogger was because I was tired of taking all that time to write entries on my Livejournal and then having Posch be the only one to comment. Not that having Posch comment is bad, but I loved the way everyone commented on Scott's journal or on Steve's. It was like a club and I wanted to be a member. So yes, here goes...I am a follower. There.

Apologies to anyone I offended with any of the bullshit that last 3 days. God, I can make a mountain out of a molehill.

As far as recognition, don't mind any of that stuff. I was just angry. Sometimes I just like to know that I'm good to have around and that I'm part of something, ya know.

Anyway, apologies to Scott. Dude, I was just so sick of reading things about me and not having my name mentioned, like it was some big secret or that I should be ashamed of the things I was saying, that I went off. Thank you for standing up for me. I read what you wrote completely wrong. I hope we can move past this.

Steve. I hope this answers all your questions. some people just need to know they're wanted. I apologize.

Beaver. Don't ask. This doesn't concern you. :)

so the bottom line is that i wanted comments, which is why I came here. I got those comments and I don't like what I got. Shit, I'm hard to please :) Anyway, one more chance, please?


Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Back to the grind

Well, my educational life has begun anew. I started my first grad school class today. Looks like this one is going to be challenging, at worst. I shy away from saying that it's gonna be an impossibly hard class, because it isn't. Shit, we don't even have midterms or tests. Just a lot of writing, and I'm really good at writing papers. Seemed like a really cool class. We'll see how Monday's class goes.

Last night, Scarlet Whore played Lil' Nikki's for the final Toxic Tuesday show there for a while. We rocked that place out like there was no tomorrow. Everyone had a good time. Here are some of the highlights:

--I got drunk, finally
--Jason 'headbanging' with his lack of hair
--Chuck jumping up and down in the pit
--Nate in the pit.

There were some low moments, but for the most part, everyone behaved themselves and everyone really seemed to enjoy it. I was happy to have my friends out there to support my guys and just to support the ailing local music scene.

I took pictures. Hopefully I will post them soon.

Now, on to another topic. I said something the other day that a couple people took much too literally. I said that I was the first one in our little group to have an online journal/blog thing. That is true. However, it doesn't mean that I want a cookie for it or anything. Just seems like that a lot of time, no one gives me much credit in the group. I'm a chick and frankly, sometimes I Feel like people don't give a shit about me half the time. I"ve been in this group for 4 years almost and you know, I still feel like an outsider about 40% of the time. Took a lot of balls for me to say that last part. Seems like a lot of people don't want to hear my ideas, take me seriously, or just once, do what I want to do. How many times have we gone to a GK concert or a Cowboy Mouth concert. But, it's like half the time, I have to pull teeth to get some people to even set foot in my home. Am I that disgusting that no one wants to be around me? I'm just tired of all the self-righteousness that exists. Just once, I'd like to be credited for doing something important. I'm not saying that anyone copied off me because of this blog thing. It's just, god dammit people, seems like when certain people in the group accomplish a feat or do something new and interesting and fun, people feel the need to laud them and congratulate them and there is much self-congratulations that goes on too, for that person has achieved or done something before anyone else. But when I do something, seems like everyone's like 'so what'. Yeah, I wasn't the person who invented the 'blog'. I shouldn't have said that at all, about being the first one in the group to have one, but I did have a blog long before it was trendy or played out (take your pick) to have a blog or a livejournal. I'd just like a little fucking courtesy in this group, about everyone in this group, for everyone in this group. This isn't about a blog though. This is about recognition. I'm tired of there being people in this group who feel or who are treated with more importance and praise than others. Everyone is entitled to praise and respect in their own right. I feel like people think of me as some ignorant, unimportant bitch who feels the need to fuck with people's worlds to make herself feel better. That's not the case. I have feelings too. Think about that next time you speak to me. And yes, I'm speaking up. Why keep it inside? Actually, it would do less damage there.

I'm gonna go read. I'm in grad school now, furthering myself as a person, both mentally and career-wise. Congratulations Hizzy. Good job. Thank you, Hizzy.

Comment if you want. I'm gonna get so much hell for expressing my feelings.


MUSIC : Demolition Hammer - .44 Caliber Brain Surgery

Link of the day - Virtual Bubble Wrap

Tuesday, August 24, 2004


Holy hell, does everyone now have a blog? How's that for originality. Reminds me of when I was in college and everyone at the radio station started getting on LiveJournal. Which reminds me, I need to update that.

I'm in pain. I hurt my finger today at work. I know what you're thinking, "God dammit. Quit bitching, it's just a finger." It's tingling now and is quite swollen and purple on the lower part of the finger. I think I probably bruised the bone, cause it shouldn't hurt this bad 3 hours after I did it. If it's not better by Thursday, Doc's gonna write me up a slip to go get x-rays. And my luck, it would be my right middle finger. If it's broken, I get a splint. Which means I can' t write, no taking notes, and you can forget about typing. God dammit. On the bright side, I can now flip people off without doing it to be mean. "Hey wanna see my hurt finger?" Heh heh.

Tonight is the Scarlet Whore show tonight at Lil' Nikki's. We're expecting quite a turnout. If you don't have anything to do, come out to Lil' NIkki's (right next to the beautiful Soulard Market) and rokk out!

I don't have anything introspective to say today. Only that I want to slice my finger off so it stops hurting.

Link of the day : This is disturbing


Currently playing : Cryptopsy - Voice of Unreason

Monday, August 23, 2004

Copycat? I think not!

Well, here comes an interesting idea out of my brain. Yep, that's right, I'm gonna have two blogs. Don't ask me why, cause frankly, I don't know.

I think this journal is going to be a lot more introspective, unlike my LJ which is more humourous and light and is more of a 'this is what I did today'. I'm gonna use this as an actual journal, where I delve deep into my psyche and unearth my deepest thoughts. Shit, now I sound like Dave :)

There will be no dream sequences, no talk about how strong I am, nothing. What you see is what you get. This is going to be the most straight-up Hizzyjournal that ever existed.

So...keep your hands and feet inside the tram at all times. Fasten your seatbelts and be prepared for quite a ride.


Current Music : Strapping Young Lad -- All Hail the New Flesh