Sunday, December 24, 2006


I am no longer employed at my old job @ the doctor's office. THANK FUCKING GOD! Still got a paycheck and hopefully a bonus coming, so I'll be nice and comfy until my new job gets rolling.

Some fun quotes from the past few days:

Andrea : That looks good (gazing at Jason's meaty goodness on his plate at the chinese restaurant by the K-Mart)
Jason : Yeah, it's called Choo Choo Chicken.
Joe : And a microphone.

(It's a Beck joke, for those of you not cool enough to like Beck)

"Jason and I just totally fucked up the universe" -Joe

"So they were out in the hallway and he pushed her up against the wall and kissed her. Then he just said "Oh fuck it" and whipped his dick out" -- nameless source about a nameless person

"Fuck that tubby bitch" --Me! (regarding an old friend of ours who fucked someone over royally)

"A dreidel. Gee. Thanks." Me!

There are some things I truly hate about blogs. First, the word 'blog'. It sounds like a bodily function. "I'm blogging" or "I blogged" just sounds completely insane. However, the thing I hate most about blogs is how people can write something in their blog and feel completely justified for saying it, because it's THEIR blog. I know, you're all thinking. "Yeah, and..." I just don't understand why people, upon reprimanding you for something and talking it out with you, feel compelled to reprimand you on their blog for something that had already been talked about and settled hours before. It's pretty much a dick move. Yeah, I said it. But you know what, fuck it. It's my blog. I can say whatever I want. I still think it's extremely rude though -- it's already been settled. Excuse me for being concerned. I'm sure my personal life and decisions have been discussed amongst others, as I have done the same thing. Don't tell me this isn't true. I know. How does that make you any different than me? I know I'm opening myself up and I don't really care.

While I'm on the subject of people. I remember an ad put out by Anheuser Busch about 10 years ago, stating simply, Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk. I think a couple of you need to take that one and really ponder it for a while. I'm not looking forward to the day that one of my friends leaves another person's home, after drinking a half-dozen Jager bombs or a 12 pack or whatever, gets in the car, and kills someone, or worse, kills themselves. What kind of a friend are you that you don't care enough about a person to discourage them from driving? While they are adult enough to make their own decisions, granted, you are also old enough to know that PEOPLE FUCKING DIE. A car is 2 ton death machine basically, when operated by an alcohol addled person. It's a machine. Would you want a drunk doctor operating on you? While drunk driving has never affected me directly, I just don't understand how knowing that people are drunk or knowing that they have a drinking problem and you have WATCHED them drink a substantial amount, that you still deem it okay to let them get in a car and drive. Put yourselves in their shoes. You're drunk, behind the wheel and you slam head on into a car. You kill someone's mother or father, child, pet, whatever. more than likely, you're going to jail for a long time. Not just jail, but prison, pound me in the ass prison. Then you get the stigma over your head for the REST OF YOUR LIFE as someone who got drunk, got in a car, and killed someone. Say you don't kill anyone and get a DWI. Unless you're fucking rich, good luck getting out of that one. Between lawyers, classes, court, etc, you're out a few thousand bucks when it's all over.

If we're at a party and you're drunk, I'll be happy to give you a ride home. As a matter of fact, I'd prefer it. At least I know that you're not endangering yourself or someone else. If you're over at my home, you WILL NOT under any circumstances drive if you've been drinking. I'll wrestle your keys away from you if I need to. I have a couch, feel free to use it. And if you need more beer, I'll be happy do drive my happy and justifiably self-righteous ass to the nearest store to buy you more libations. I'd rather do that than have someone live wtih the guilt of having killed someone. I don't want to live with the guilt of being an accessory to someone's death. If you don't like the rule, don't come over.

For example, take the case of Matt Browning, the St. Louis City police officer that lost BOTH of his legs when he was hit by a drunk driver after the 2004 baseball playoffs. That guy got 3 years in jail for 2nd-degree assault. 3 years, and then he's out. Browning won't be able to be a police officer anymore, won't be out on the street arresting the bad people, because HE DOESN'T HAVE LEGS ANYMORE. He's in a wheelchair, forever, because someone decided that they were okay to get in their car. And I wonder how many of their friends tried to talk them out of it.

I'm having deja vu. it seems I've had this discussion before. This can of worms has been re-opened. I think it was probably February or March of this year that i got pissed off about this the first time. I'm just really glad no one was hurt or killed or arrested. Cars can be replaced. People can't.

I know people are going to tell me that I'm totally wrong on this and that my opinion isn't valid or whatever, or that we're adults and can make a decision on our own. why put the blame on someone else though. It's always someone else's fault. And I know that a lot of this is all hypothetical, but isn't it our job to look out for friends? If they refuse, oh well, you warned them. A simple "Dude, you stay here, I'll go." or "Don't drive. You're fucked up." can save not only your friends life, but the lives of someone's mom, someone's brother, someone's infant, child, etc. Bad decisions can affect so many people for a long time. If you don't agree with what I've said, that's fine. You are by all means entitled not to. Just don't expect me to feel sorry for anyone who ends up in prison or severely injured in a hospital bed for driving drunk, because I won't.

Just think about it, friends. Long and hard. Think about it. That's all I have to say.

And you know what? It's my blog and I can say whatever I want.


Sunday, December 10, 2006

RMoMHaGD, Inc.

That's the most clever thing I think anyone has ever come up with. Must be nice to have time to sit around and make up little acronyms.

When was the last time I spilled someone's business all over the place. Where's my cookie, goddammit?

I don't have internet access and it's pissing me off. No cable either. Fucking charter.
