Monday, May 02, 2005

All you are - It's time to close the book up

above lyrics from "Back to School" by the Deftones

And it's finished. It's finally finished. Happy Hizzy Dance time. Not only is it finished, it's damn good too. This is the first time I've had to write a paper over 3 pages since May of 2003. It's finished. It it done. All 10 pages, title page, table of contents, and presentation outline. I just seriously kicked this paper's ass. Fingers crossed about the grade.

I still have one more teeny paper to do. 1 page reflection piece on a chapter for another class. I can get that done in 10 minutes. That's nothing. I also have to redo part of my project for that class, but it's not a huge deal.

Enough about school.

This weekend ruled. Weekends for me have really been rocking some major ass lately. Quick recap for all y'all.

Friday -- saw THHGTTG (wow, lots of T's, H's, and G's. For those of you not in the know, that's The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). See that fucking movie asa-fucking-p. It's incredible. Funny, visually stunning, and though it seems to end a bit early, still worthy of my 8 bucks, and yours as well. Went to Sunshine Daydream, a store for all of you who like hippie stuff and 'for tobacco use only' products. Yoda and Chuck wanted to go and I was driving so I really had no choice. Afterwards, went to Caleco's, where I thoroughly kicked ass at the trivia quizzy thing. I was champion supreme. Then I went home and worked on the paper.

Saturday -- went to a shitty seminar for work from 9-1. Got lost on the way there. Brentwood Blvd is closed at downtown Clayton, and I had no idea of that (up yours, Mapquest). So I had to go up to Hanley and come in the back way. After the seminar, I came home, sat around, worked on the paper, went to the library, made copies, spent 10 bucks on copies (that's 100 printed pages of text, my friends), watched the ballgame, and then went to Steve and Heathers for a little change of scenery and fun times. Came home, worked on more paper, watched Clerks, and went to bed about 3.

Sunday -- got up, went to a gi-fucking-gantic book fair at West County mall with mom. Got books. Came home, worked on paper, cleaned just a little bit, and had people over for Animation Domination Sunday on Fox. The new Family Guy ruled. I already can't wait for next week. It is now 12:21 AM on Monday. I told myself I hoped to be done with my paper by Monday morning and I am. I finished it at 11:45. I wouldn't call it procrastination, as I've been busy with other important stuff, and I've been steadily working on it for about the last week or so.

I never thought I'd be able to cram so much into a weekend. With this paper done, I can breathe now. I have to present it to my class tomorrow, but it shouldn't be too hard. Just gotta follow the outline. I'm bringing in some visual aids too, so I can kill 5 minutes talking about those. Our presentation is to be 15-20 minutes. I'm very long winded, so I can do that.

As for the week ahead, Monday is work and school, Tuesday is work/laundry/and Dad's birthday. I have to go get his present tomorrow. I think Nix gets home either Tuesday or Thursday, I don't remember which.

Oh, I just remembered another thing I did. I went to the dollar store. I love the dollar store.

It's time to kick back and get comfortable. I think I'm gonna go in, take a shower, and then possibly read a little bit of my chapter for my short reflection piece tomorrow.

Happy dos de mayo, everyone.

The Hizzy

Link --> Cool stuff to put on your blogs.
Music --> Richard Wagner "Die Walkure" (The Valkyrie). I've been in a classical mood today.

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