Tonight is going to be fun times, 80s style, bitches. We're having an 80s movie night over at Toni and Erich's. I know Posch is bringing over some John Cusack flick, and I went and rented my 2 all time fave 80s movies -- Fast Times at Ridgemont High (you get to see Phoebe Cates' boobs in the collectors edition) and Stand by Me, which is near the top of my fave 80s movies. Should be a fun nostalgia filled time. I'm wearing my Motley Crue "Dr. Feelgood" shirt for the 80s. That's as 80s attired as I get.
Speaking of 80s and early 90s (well, we're speaking of it now), Yoda and I are conspiring to unleash some nostalgia on this group. On the way to House of Rock last night I passed the ever so 80s Rollercade and thought to myself, "Hizzy, it would be fun if you could get people to go there and stir some stuff up." I congratulated myself for my fun idea and presented it to Yoda. See, we hung out there in the late 80s, early 90s. We're gonna get all 'that decade'ed up and go and skate, like we just stepped out of a time machine from the past. Anyone know where I can get slap bracelets, tight rolled jeans, and a hypercolor shirt?
Went to the Dam last night. It was damn dead is what it was. Our waitress had fake boobs. Angel and I both pointed that out, at different times. Lost at pool twice. Went home. Beaver would like that place, there's Beaver signs everywhere.
Finally have money. Got paid today, but owe my boss 50 bucks that he gave me for a loan, what a nice man. I've also discovered the beauty of Coinstar. It gave me 37 bucks today and about 42 bucks the other day. I have a lot of change and will continue to save it, for dark times.
I'm trying to get my birthday festivities rolling. As of right now, my birthday will be celebrated on the 20th of August, which is a Saturday. Rue 13 has been approved as a definite possiblity for the after-dinner festivities. For those of you not cultured people, Rue 13 is a club down on Washington Ave downtown. They play techno, but aren't a rave club. It's totally cool. We go there and drink martinis. It's not a martini bar, but they have some damn good ones. I want to go to someplace with martinis. As for food, I'm wanting seafood like crazy. Either that or Lemongrass (Vietnamese) or Saleems (Lebanese). Try it, you might like it. As for who is going, I don't know yet. Toni and Erich are already confirmed as going, so if this is something that ANY of you have a problem with (i.e. being around them), don't bother coming, because they're going to be there all night. And I don't plan on going home until around 2 or 3, so if that is a problem, plan accordingly. I'm not going to be mad if you don't/can't come. But if it's because you "don't like that food", give it a fucking chance. I said the same thing about both Lemongrass and Saleems, and now they are 2 of my fave places to eat. Try something new once in a while. I'm naming this "Andrea's Happy Birthday Festival and the Last Bash". I call it the last bash because I start school 3 days after my birthday, and I'm sure everyone else does too. Anyway, I'll post more detailed plans as they become available.
Heard about this new ad campaign for Dove Soap that uses 'real women', not those fake supermodel bitches. Went and grabbed a pic of the women. All I have to say is that it's about fucking time.
Speaking of seafood, salmon for dinner tonight. Gotta go make it.
Music --> "Mr. Brightside" by the Killers
Link --> Corewars 2005 (go vote for us, bitches. Voting ends tomorrow)
I too agree that it's about time with the whole soap add thing...IMHO, I think naturally occuring women are world's hotter than ANY porn star or razor thin "super-model" you could name. There IS such a thing as sickenly thin, and WAY too much plastic surgery...ew!
P.S. As Heather already said, we have my birthday date planned for that day.
It's definitely not because of certain people.
...with the food, well...I'm a picky eater, and I probably would not want to eat whatever they serve at those rather exotic places. Yes, I have a limited pallette; yes, I'm finicky and boring...and I'm fine with that. :)
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