above lyric from Love Rollercoaster by the Ohio Players and Red Hot Chili Peppers
I have just returned from a very long day.
Work, then Six Flags, then TGI Fridays, then a movie.
I shall talk about the second one.
First, thanks to everyone for waiting to go until I got off work.
Here are a couple of observations I made while at Six Flags
1. When I was little, the drive to Six Flags seemed to take all day. I equate this to either my parents driving at or under the speed limit, or the anticipation of going to six flags. In all actuality, it's probably a combination of the previous 2 and the fact that I go between 70 and 75 on I-44.
2. The More Things Change--A lot of the shit I remember from the last time I was at Six Flags is either gone, renamed, or modified. An example of this is the Log Flume. While it will always be known as the Log Flume, it is now called The Splash. Though I still think they're using the same little boats that they've used since that ride opened.
3. The More They Stay the Same -- It was weird, almost surreal in a way. I walked into Six Flags and all these memories of excursions past came flooding back.
4. I'm Getting Way Too Old -- This was the main conclusion that I came to when I was at Six Flags. I am getting way too old for this. Not so much Six Flags itself, but moreso the rides. I don't mean like kiddie rides or anything. I got tossed around like a ragdoll on several of the roller coasters, which I normally love. They hurt. When I was a kid, it didn't bother me. Now that I'm old (24), I have to sit down. I never got tired hiking from one end of the park to the other. By the end of the day, I was ready to die. Water rides used to be the greatest thing in the world -- now, the thought of walking around all day with wet underwear and other clothing drew me away from Thunder River, though I joked that if I did go on the ride, I'd have an excuse to go commando. But then again, who needs an excuse to do that. I also dreaded the thought of my cell phone getting wet and ruined and me having to drop coin on yet another new phone. When I was a wee lass, I used to beg my parents for a season pass to Six Flags. Now, I don't think it'd be a necessity for me, because I don't want to end up in traction.
5. Near loss and a gain -- I almost lost my glasses on the Screaming Eagle. They're loose on me as it is. I spent the entire ride with my hand covering my face, trying to hold my glasses on. I rode Batman barefoot, which was pretty cool. Had to take off the toe ring, for fear of losing it. At the end of the excursion, I picked up some silk Wonder Woman boxorz that were on sale at one of the shops. They're quite comfortable.
6. No more complaining -- Overall though, I will say that I had fun. Maybe it was the people I was with, maybe it was Beaver oooooing on every single ride we went on, all the way through the ride, maybe it was making barf jokes about Excalibur, or Toni's near wardrobe malfunctions on a couple rides. There was no one at the park hardly, and the lines, with the exception of one or two, were very short. There was no line for the Boss or any of the roller coasters. I did not hear that stupid Vengaboys song that's on the commercial or see that fucking evil little dancing man once. I wish more people could have gone, especially Yoda. It's always good times with Yoda. I can think of the countless amounts of things he's done at Six Flags excursions in the past that have resulted in us almost getting kicked out of the park -- namely, not wearing shoes EVER, unlatching the door on the Colossus when we're like 200 feet in the air, rocking the cage on the same ferris wheel, and getting out of the restraints on the Ninja while it's moving and looping and speeding along. Dude's got a death wish, but he's cool as hell. However, the people that were there were great. There was no fighting, which is rare in Six Flags excursions. Usually, in the past, someone has come close to smacking another person, or there's a big fit thrown by someone over why such and so got to sit next to this person on this ride, or what ride we're gonna go on next. It was a good time and I can't wait to go again -- in a few years, if that's okay.
In other news, mark your goddamned calendars. November 1, 2K5. Office Space Special Edition...with Flair is being released. I'd like this to perhaps be an early XMas present if anyone feels up to it. I will love you forever and you will become my super best friend
Tired. Very fucking tired.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
What's my drug of choice? Well, what have you got?
above lyric from "Junkhead" by Alice in Chains
Steve has me addicted to the Liquid Generation Quizzes (see below)
I am also addicted to a new show on Showtime called "Weeds".
So yeah, I'm addicted to "liquid" and "weeds".
Anyway, on with the quizzes. Gentlemen, the envelope please!
I am...

That's all for now.
A bit disconcerting, some of the answers.
More when I feel like it.
Music -- Maynard's Dick by Tool
Steve has me addicted to the Liquid Generation Quizzes (see below)
I am also addicted to a new show on Showtime called "Weeds".
So yeah, I'm addicted to "liquid" and "weeds".
Anyway, on with the quizzes. Gentlemen, the envelope please!
I am...
That's all for now.
A bit disconcerting, some of the answers.
More when I feel like it.
Music -- Maynard's Dick by Tool
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Catch the wind, see us spin, sail away, leave today, way up high in the sky.
above lyric by Led Zeppelin from What Is and What Should Never Be
The subject of this blog is relevant to nothing. I just like that part of the song, a lot.
LOOK! IMPROVEMENTS!!! ------------------------------------>
Finally got to sleep in today. I never thought when I was younger that 10:00 would be sleeping in, but now, anything past 7 am is sleeping in. I used to sleep until noon, back in the day.
Today is the 4th anniversary of September 11th. I guess everyone remembers where they were. I was at 1013 W. Ash. It was just before 8:30pm, and I was in the shower, getting ready to for class. I heard a knock on the door. It was Sparkamus (for those of you that don't know, I lived with him, Yoda, and a tweeker named Neil). I told him that he had a bathroom downstairs and I was in the shower. He said "a plane just hit some building in New York". I threw on my clothes and went and watched the first tower smoking. Half an hour later, I saw another plane come into the frame and I cringed. I guess I sort of hoped it wouldn't hit, that it was just passing through, but it wasn't.
I'd like to draw a parallel between that and the hurricane. We weren't prepared for the terrorist attack. It was a suprise to everyone (government officials aside). However, the National Guard, the rescue crews, and everyone else important were dispatched immediately. Giuliani used all of the resources available to him. Now, look at the recent hurricane. It was a disaster. No response for a few days, and this was known that it was going to happen. I shudder at the thought of another terrorist attack and our lack of preparedness. And that's all I'm gonna say.
Want to get tripped out without drugs? Lay in your room in pitch darkness and listen to the Beatles "Revolution 9". It's frightening. I can barely listen to it with the lights on. I think it should be on a horror movie soundtrack.
Tonight is Adult Swim @ the Sparkamus and Angel Bone residence. Should prove to be a good time.

Nihilist Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
The time is gone, the song is over, thought I'd something more to say,
Where I'm At -- Virtual Stapler
What I'm Hearing -- Alterbridge : Open Your Eyes
The subject of this blog is relevant to nothing. I just like that part of the song, a lot.
LOOK! IMPROVEMENTS!!! ------------------------------------>
Finally got to sleep in today. I never thought when I was younger that 10:00 would be sleeping in, but now, anything past 7 am is sleeping in. I used to sleep until noon, back in the day.
Today is the 4th anniversary of September 11th. I guess everyone remembers where they were. I was at 1013 W. Ash. It was just before 8:30pm, and I was in the shower, getting ready to for class. I heard a knock on the door. It was Sparkamus (for those of you that don't know, I lived with him, Yoda, and a tweeker named Neil). I told him that he had a bathroom downstairs and I was in the shower. He said "a plane just hit some building in New York". I threw on my clothes and went and watched the first tower smoking. Half an hour later, I saw another plane come into the frame and I cringed. I guess I sort of hoped it wouldn't hit, that it was just passing through, but it wasn't.
I'd like to draw a parallel between that and the hurricane. We weren't prepared for the terrorist attack. It was a suprise to everyone (government officials aside). However, the National Guard, the rescue crews, and everyone else important were dispatched immediately. Giuliani used all of the resources available to him. Now, look at the recent hurricane. It was a disaster. No response for a few days, and this was known that it was going to happen. I shudder at the thought of another terrorist attack and our lack of preparedness. And that's all I'm gonna say.
Want to get tripped out without drugs? Lay in your room in pitch darkness and listen to the Beatles "Revolution 9". It's frightening. I can barely listen to it with the lights on. I think it should be on a horror movie soundtrack.
Tonight is Adult Swim @ the Sparkamus and Angel Bone residence. Should prove to be a good time.
Nihilist Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
The time is gone, the song is over, thought I'd something more to say,
Where I'm At -- Virtual Stapler
What I'm Hearing -- Alterbridge : Open Your Eyes
Another quick one
NOt changing blog addys.
I'm indecisive.
Hotmail still deleted
That's all.
I'm indecisive.
Hotmail still deleted
That's all.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Quick one
My blog address is changing
It will still be my blog. Just a new address. This change will take effect on Saturday, so plan accordingly.
I am also getting rid of my hotmail account, so direct all correspondence to
my new blog adress is mistressofmetal.blogspot.com
It will still be my blog. Just a new address. This change will take effect on Saturday, so plan accordingly.
I am also getting rid of my hotmail account, so direct all correspondence to
my new blog adress is mistressofmetal.blogspot.com
Monday, September 05, 2005
If you come down to the river, betcha gonna find some people who live
above lyrics from Proud Mary by Creedence Clearwater Revival
Rollin, rollin', rollin' down the Huzzah.
Well, we ended up floating after all.
Wait, lemme backtrack. I woke up Saturday morning under the assumption that we were not going camping. We ended up going camping.
The next day, we floated. It was a long and arduous journey, but tons of fun. Yoda slid down a mud hill and swung from a tree swing into water. Chiko was the hit of the float trip, in his little doggy lifejacket. There were drunks in every direction. Think Party Cove or Spring Break, but on a much more spread out scale. We were beat to shit after the float trip. I'm mildly sunburned, not lobsteriffic like I thought I would be. I usually end up like a lobster after 5+ hours in the sun, but SPF 15 really helps to alleviate that.
The Huzzah river is really nice, very uncontaminated, and refreshing. I included a link to where we went camping, for futher reference. Be warned though, if you plan on staying up late, get in the late night section. If you like quiet, go to the family section. Also watch out for the owner, or as I like to call him, Mr. Oak Tree up the Ass. He needed to stop being so uptight. Everytime I saw him, he was yelling at an employee. Oh well, can't really criticize the guy for wanting to make his place nice. And nice it is, there's not a lot of trash or debris strewn about and it's landscaped rather well. The stuff in the little store there is rather expensive, but that's business. Also, be warned that you will NOT have cell phone access at ALL. Our phones were all dead about 5 miles from where we stayed. However, if you have a calling card, you can use it there.
Aside from the usual mishaps -- I was sick and crabby the last night we were there, Chuck's girlfriend bitched a lot, and pot was readily available, it seemed to be a really good trip. Everyone had a blast and I'd do it again, just not right now. I got back to St. Louis early this afternoon and couldn't wait for TV, computer, my comfortable couch, and a shower. THere were showers down there and they were quite decent, but there's something to be said about one's own water pressure at home. If I were tired, I'd be sleeping in my bed right now -- something I missed. THere's something really soothing about sleeping under the stars (and there were billions of them). I can't see many from my apartment, but once you get out into God's country, it really becomes a sight to admire.
I shared a tent with Yoda because I didn't have any. I slept well but it was quite cold. On top of that, I've developed a nasty cold, so that made me quite chilly as well. Someone stole our hamburgers and marshmallows and graham crackers from the site while we were on the float trip. They must have been really hungry, because we had more expensive stuff sitting right out in the open -- cooking implements, alcohol, etc. I hope they enjoyed them. Assholes.
On a scale of 1-10 (worst-best), I'd give this camping trip an 8. I was turned off by the zero cell phone access -- but then again, that's why they call it 'roughing it'. I had an ebay auction I needed to keep tabs on. However, the place was beautiful and the float was fun and magnificent.
And yes, I'm glad to be home.
Link - see above
Music - peace and quiet
Rollin, rollin', rollin' down the Huzzah.
Well, we ended up floating after all.
Wait, lemme backtrack. I woke up Saturday morning under the assumption that we were not going camping. We ended up going camping.
The next day, we floated. It was a long and arduous journey, but tons of fun. Yoda slid down a mud hill and swung from a tree swing into water. Chiko was the hit of the float trip, in his little doggy lifejacket. There were drunks in every direction. Think Party Cove or Spring Break, but on a much more spread out scale. We were beat to shit after the float trip. I'm mildly sunburned, not lobsteriffic like I thought I would be. I usually end up like a lobster after 5+ hours in the sun, but SPF 15 really helps to alleviate that.
The Huzzah river is really nice, very uncontaminated, and refreshing. I included a link to where we went camping, for futher reference. Be warned though, if you plan on staying up late, get in the late night section. If you like quiet, go to the family section. Also watch out for the owner, or as I like to call him, Mr. Oak Tree up the Ass. He needed to stop being so uptight. Everytime I saw him, he was yelling at an employee. Oh well, can't really criticize the guy for wanting to make his place nice. And nice it is, there's not a lot of trash or debris strewn about and it's landscaped rather well. The stuff in the little store there is rather expensive, but that's business. Also, be warned that you will NOT have cell phone access at ALL. Our phones were all dead about 5 miles from where we stayed. However, if you have a calling card, you can use it there.
Aside from the usual mishaps -- I was sick and crabby the last night we were there, Chuck's girlfriend bitched a lot, and pot was readily available, it seemed to be a really good trip. Everyone had a blast and I'd do it again, just not right now. I got back to St. Louis early this afternoon and couldn't wait for TV, computer, my comfortable couch, and a shower. THere were showers down there and they were quite decent, but there's something to be said about one's own water pressure at home. If I were tired, I'd be sleeping in my bed right now -- something I missed. THere's something really soothing about sleeping under the stars (and there were billions of them). I can't see many from my apartment, but once you get out into God's country, it really becomes a sight to admire.
I shared a tent with Yoda because I didn't have any. I slept well but it was quite cold. On top of that, I've developed a nasty cold, so that made me quite chilly as well. Someone stole our hamburgers and marshmallows and graham crackers from the site while we were on the float trip. They must have been really hungry, because we had more expensive stuff sitting right out in the open -- cooking implements, alcohol, etc. I hope they enjoyed them. Assholes.
On a scale of 1-10 (worst-best), I'd give this camping trip an 8. I was turned off by the zero cell phone access -- but then again, that's why they call it 'roughing it'. I had an ebay auction I needed to keep tabs on. However, the place was beautiful and the float was fun and magnificent.
And yes, I'm glad to be home.
Link - see above
Music - peace and quiet
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Within the Dark Mind
above song by Immortal
I've changed things up a bit here.
Is it the weekend yet? Good god this has been a loooooooooooong week. Sunday seemed like two weeks ago. That's okay. Starting tomorrow at 4, I begin a long awaited 3 day weekend. I just have this sneaking suspicion that it's gonna fly by.
I guess I have to comment about the hurricane, since news sites/blogs/even MTV are commenting. Not that I care what MTV has to say about shit other than Headbanger's Ball. Anyway, here are my thoughts.
1. I remember going to New Orleans and falling in love with it -- the decadence, the darkness, the overall mystery and beauty of it all. And now, most of that is gone.
2. If the people on the news told me that a giant tornado was gonna hit my apartment complex in 2 days, you've got to be crazy if you think I could/would ride that fucker out. I'd gather as much shit as I could and be out of here faster than you could say 'it's a twista, it's a twista". It is because of this that I do not feel as sorry for the people who chose to ride this thing out. I feel sorry for the people who lost their lives and lost their homes and belongings, but you've got to be freaking nuts to even CONSIDER riding out a Category 5 hurricane.
3. When people lose everything, they really become very much like animals. It's eye-opening, how people are fighting to survive, trying to shoot at the people who are helping them, doing everything to survive.
I think that's really all I have on that right now. Maybe as things progress more down there in the south, I'll figure more out.
I really thought I had a lot more to say on here, but I guess I don't. I figure gracing you all with my presence is enough.
What's in my head: Nevermore - Narcosynthesis
What's in front of my eyes : Metal Britney Spears -- this is a MUST SEE!
I've changed things up a bit here.
Is it the weekend yet? Good god this has been a loooooooooooong week. Sunday seemed like two weeks ago. That's okay. Starting tomorrow at 4, I begin a long awaited 3 day weekend. I just have this sneaking suspicion that it's gonna fly by.
I guess I have to comment about the hurricane, since news sites/blogs/even MTV are commenting. Not that I care what MTV has to say about shit other than Headbanger's Ball. Anyway, here are my thoughts.
1. I remember going to New Orleans and falling in love with it -- the decadence, the darkness, the overall mystery and beauty of it all. And now, most of that is gone.
2. If the people on the news told me that a giant tornado was gonna hit my apartment complex in 2 days, you've got to be crazy if you think I could/would ride that fucker out. I'd gather as much shit as I could and be out of here faster than you could say 'it's a twista, it's a twista". It is because of this that I do not feel as sorry for the people who chose to ride this thing out. I feel sorry for the people who lost their lives and lost their homes and belongings, but you've got to be freaking nuts to even CONSIDER riding out a Category 5 hurricane.
3. When people lose everything, they really become very much like animals. It's eye-opening, how people are fighting to survive, trying to shoot at the people who are helping them, doing everything to survive.
I think that's really all I have on that right now. Maybe as things progress more down there in the south, I'll figure more out.
I really thought I had a lot more to say on here, but I guess I don't. I figure gracing you all with my presence is enough.
What's in my head: Nevermore - Narcosynthesis
What's in front of my eyes : Metal Britney Spears -- this is a MUST SEE!
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