The subject of this blog is relevant to nothing. I just like that part of the song, a lot.
LOOK! IMPROVEMENTS!!! ------------------------------------>
Finally got to sleep in today. I never thought when I was younger that 10:00 would be sleeping in, but now, anything past 7 am is sleeping in. I used to sleep until noon, back in the day.
Today is the 4th anniversary of September 11th. I guess everyone remembers where they were. I was at 1013 W. Ash. It was just before 8:30pm, and I was in the shower, getting ready to for class. I heard a knock on the door. It was Sparkamus (for those of you that don't know, I lived with him, Yoda, and a tweeker named Neil). I told him that he had a bathroom downstairs and I was in the shower. He said "a plane just hit some building in New York". I threw on my clothes and went and watched the first tower smoking. Half an hour later, I saw another plane come into the frame and I cringed. I guess I sort of hoped it wouldn't hit, that it was just passing through, but it wasn't.
I'd like to draw a parallel between that and the hurricane. We weren't prepared for the terrorist attack. It was a suprise to everyone (government officials aside). However, the National Guard, the rescue crews, and everyone else important were dispatched immediately. Giuliani used all of the resources available to him. Now, look at the recent hurricane. It was a disaster. No response for a few days, and this was known that it was going to happen. I shudder at the thought of another terrorist attack and our lack of preparedness. And that's all I'm gonna say.
Want to get tripped out without drugs? Lay in your room in pitch darkness and listen to the Beatles "Revolution 9". It's frightening. I can barely listen to it with the lights on. I think it should be on a horror movie soundtrack.
Tonight is Adult Swim @ the Sparkamus and Angel Bone residence. Should prove to be a good time.
Nihilist Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
The time is gone, the song is over, thought I'd something more to say,
Where I'm At -- Virtual Stapler
What I'm Hearing -- Alterbridge : Open Your Eyes
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