Monday, October 31, 2005

Yeah, it`s Halloween...tonight

above lyrics from "Halloween" by Helloween


Let me entertain you with a song:

The 12 Days of Halloween

On the first day of Halloween my good friend gave to mea vulture in a dead tree.

On the second day of Halloween,my good friend gave to metwo hissing cats,and a vulture in a dead tree.

On the third day of Halloween,my good friend gave to methree fat toads,two hissing cats,and a vulture in a dead tree.

On the fourth day of Halloween,my good friend gave to mefour giggling ghosts three fat toads,two hissing cats,and a vulture in a dead tree.

On the fifth day of Halloween,my good friend gave to mefive cooked wormsfour giggling ghosts three fat toads,two hissing cats,and a vulture in a dead tree.

On the sixth day of Halloween,my good friend gave to mesix owls a-screeching,five cooked wormsfour giggling ghosts three fat toads,two hissing cats,and a vulture in a dead tree.

On the seventh day of Halloween,my good friend gave to meseven spiders creeping,six owls a-screeching,five cooked wormsfour giggling ghosts three fat toads,two hissing cats,and a vulture in a dead tree.

On the eighth day of Halloween,my good friend gave to meeight brooms a-flying,seven spiders creeping,six owls a-screeching,five cooked wormsfour giggling ghosts three fat toads,two hissing cats,and a vulture in a dead tree.

On the ninth day of Halloween,my good friend gave to menine wizards whizzing,eight brooms a-flying,seven spiders creeping,six owls a-screeching,five cooked wormsfour giggling ghosts three fat toads,two hissing cats,and a vulture in a dead tree.

On the tenth day of Halloween,my good friend gave to meten goblins gobbling,nine wizards whizzing,eight brooms a-flying,seven spiders creeping,six owls a-screeching,five cooked wormsfour giggling ghosts three fat toads,two hissing cats,and a vulture in a dead tree.

On the eleventh day of Halloween,my good friend gave to meeleven bats a-swooping,ten goblins gobbling,nine wizards whizzing,eight brooms a-flying,seven spiders creeping,six owls a-screeching,five cooked wormsfour giggling ghosts three fat toads,two hissing cats,and a vulture in a dead tree.

On the twelfth day of Halloween,my good friend gave to metwelve cauldrons bubbling,eleven bats a-swooping,ten goblins gobbling,nine wizards whizzing,eight brooms a-flying,seven spiders creeping,six owls a-screeching,five cooked worms, four giggling ghosts three fat toads,two hissing cats,and a vulture in a dead tree.
Well, aren't you glad that's over? Me too.

Anyway, I'm gonna blog really quick here before class.

@Scott -- Cool party. If I wasn't broke, I'd go buy Apples to Apples
@Angel and Joe -- really sorry to hear about Angel's g-ma. If there's anything I can do, please let me know. You know my number and I'm always here.

Couple things.
1. I heard on the news today that there was a woman who died when her car got hit by a train. She went around the barricade. Now, I'm sorry, but the last time I checked, those barricades are up for a reason --SO THE TRAIN DOESN'T HIT YOU. Oh well, at least she's out of the gene pool. I know I'm gonna get a lot of shit for this, but she went around the goddamned barricade. I'm not saying she deserved it, but there's one less idiot out there now.

2.StumbleUpon is the greatest thing since sliced bread. It's really hard for me to explain what StumbleUpon is. Basically, you need Mozilla Firefox (only the greatest browser ever). You install a tiny program that is totally free, safe, and legal. You select sites you are interested in, like topics, like metal or something. Then you click, Stumble Upon and it will give you tons of random sites that have something remotely to do with your interest. It is amazing. I didn't do it justice. It does not work with IE, so if you're a loser that still has IE, sorry. You can come over and play with it at my house. I must have bookmarked at least 75 sites last night. You never know when I'll want to play with my virtual autopsy page (you can do an autopsy on an animated body) or when I'll want to play with vectors, or my new virtual drumkit. It's amazing.
I'm not home right now, but I'll be throwing these sites up in my featured sites link, so give them a looksee. You might like them.

Anyway, it's time for class. Hope you all eat tons of candy tonight.


Music -- clickety clickety clicky click goes the keyboard
Link --http:// -- The train idiot lady.


NixEclips said...

Nix says: What a fucking dumb-shit.

Quilled One said...

It seems someone didn't learn the importance of paying attention to road signs.


The "ouch" part of it is that the train was kicking along at around 70 mph when it plowed into her. Talk about catching it between the eyes...