Thursday, December 22, 2005

All the kids so sick of books, they like the punk and the metal band

above lyrics from "Walk Like an Egyptian" by the Bangles

Just woke up from falling asleep on the couch. Between being sick and trying to get stuff done, I've been sort of tired lately. Oh well, my bed looks comfortable. I will be there in a second.

Went online to check my grades and I did well, again. As usual.

Developmental Psychology - A
History of the English Language - B minus (linguistics class, really really hard).

Wasn't worried, expected about that. Next semester is gonna be a killer though, but it should be fun because I'm really getting into more content-based study. And I have a teacher I've had twice before that I absolutely adore. Oh well, enough talk of school for a while.

New Years 2005 will be held at a swamp down in Dagobah. Not really, but that's just another way to say Yoda's house. All details will be forthcoming in the next couple days.

I am just about done with my X-Mas shopping. Only a few more items to pick up. Nothing extravagant. If it were up to me, it would be a Very Dollar Store X-Mas for everyone. Not because they deserve it, which they don't, but because everything is so frickin' expensive. My apartment is beginning to look a lot more X-mas-sy. I put up this little door hangy thing on my door and put more ornaments on my little tree (it has ornaments on there, but I wanted more. I also wanted something to draw attention away from the pre-placed, permanent cardinal bird ornaments. I think this used to be an old person's tree). I've also recieved several X-mas cards from people, which are on display for all to see. Just gotta hang up a little ornament chain thingy that my mom gave me, and that should be just about it for Christmas fun at Andrea's.

Looking forward to doing stuff with the fam for X-Mas. I always do, usually because it's loads of fun and no one really gives me a lot of crap about anything. I really don't have a lot of crap that needs to be recieved though. I'm sure I'll get asked about school, which is no problem Work, which is no problem. I'm sure my great aunt will ask me why I don't have a boyfriend or if I'm going to church every Sunday like a good Catholic (which I'm not. I attend church services at the St. Joseph and Angel Church on Tesson Ferry every Sunday. However, I am not attending Catholic services). It's usually a riot with the Gioia side of the family. The other side is a tad more subdued. Maybe a lot of tads more subdued. The Gioia side is a raucous, loud affair. It's nuts!

I think that's it. Now for something to brighten your day. This WILL ruin a Christmas song for you, so please don't click it (actually do. It's hilarious) if you like "Carol of the Bells". That's my favorite X-Mas carol, and now, everytime I hear it, I smile because of this.

It's a Burger King Holiday (Ding! Fries are Done)

Thank you, drive through.

What I Hear -- "Oi to the World" - The Vandals
Where I'm At -- Recursive Story

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