Sunday, November 07, 2004

Family Tradition

**Family Tradition is a song by Hank Williams, Jr. Anyone who used to go to karaoke @ Zeke's knows this song. For a country song, it's quite well done. It's not that 'dog dies, wife leaves, truck breaks down country crap'. This is old style country. Hank's son, Hank Williams III is in a deathmetal band called Assjack, so he gets points for that. I give the song 3 horns out of 5.***

Just got back from my parents' house. We had a little going away, early Thanksgiving celebration. My grandparents are going to Tex-ass until March. It was a good day, for the most part. Got a bit peeved at Mom and we almost went toe to toe a couple times, but I remembered that I needed to chill out on people, so I backed down.

Talked to Nix last night. It felt sooo good to hear his voice, to hear that everything was going well in Oregon. I miss him, still. I think I will miss him until he comes back. Hell, I missed him when I was at work and he was here. I miss him when he's in the other room. Psycho? Maybe, but it feels good.

@Nix -- I miss you and I love you. I went ahead and got your DVD player out of your truck, I have no clue what the weather is gonna be like tonight, and I'd rather have it in here and not run the risk of it dipping down into the freezing temperatures overnight one of these nights. I hope you are having a good trip and I hope to talk to you tonight. I love you baby.

I'm having fun listening to all this great music on my 160 gig HD. A lot of it was downloaded when I was in college. Maybe I'll watch one of my 98 movies later (my original estimate of 50 was a bit low). I started playing some of the sex games. A lot of them are really dumb, but you never know who might like them.

If anyone is interested in some good real comedic stuff, I strongly suggest downloading some of Henry Rollin's (ex-Black Flag, Rollins Band) spoken word stuff. He is funny without intentionally meaning to be funny. I saw him in Columbia a couple years ago and he was a really cool guy. It's funny realism from Henry. I encourage a download or 2. I've been enjoying it.

Do I have anything else to say? Can't think of anything, so no.


Current music - "Plateau" - The Meat Puppets
Link : None. Go look @ the forum. There's good stuff on there.

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