Sunday, December 19, 2004

It's My Job to Keep Punk Rock Elite

**IMJTKPRE is by a punk band called NoFX. They're a pretty decent punk band, a lot better than a lot of the newer "punk rock" bands I've heard in recent years. I give this 3 horns up out of 5***

T minus 5 hours and counting until the Scarlet Whore show. Is it wrong of me to just have an overall bad feeling about this show. I feel like something isn't right, but I can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's that it's fuckin' cold outside. That could be it.

T minus about 20 hours until Nix and Scott arrive back from Tex-ass. Can't wait to see Nix and just spend some quality time with him. I miss him.

4.0 GPA, baby! Eye am gud at skool.

I'm wearing my new skull hoody. It's nice and warm and really neato.

God, I really thought I had more to say. I had a whole mind full of stuff, but the minute I saw the blank white page, it all left me.

On that note, I bid you adieu until my next post.


Music -- "Under the Bridge" Red Hot Chili Peppers
Linkage -- -- fun shit to do online when you're bored

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