Saturday, December 04, 2004

Metal Militia

**Metal Militia is a song of of Metallica's 1982 album, Kill 'Em All. It's probably one of my favorite songs on that album, which marked the beginning of a long and prestigious career for everyone's favorite sellouts. Anyway, Metal Militia rocks. 5 mega big horns up out of 5. So concludes your music history lesson for the day. There are cookies and punch in the hallway. Help yourself**

There was a metal militia onstage at Pop's tonight. At the end of a dynamite show by all 4 bands, Conquest, the headliner, invited all the bands on stage. Conquest provided the instrumentation, while the other 12-15 other long haired metal dudes, including the guys in the Whore, rocked out to a 7 minute long (approx.) version of Seek & Destroy (which, coincidentally was alson on Kill 'Em All). It was like the St. Louis metal army had converged on Pops. It was one of those 'had to be there' sorta moments.

The guys in the Whore were soldiers too. A militia of 5, who conquered horrid sound problems at Pops (we lost Erk's vocals throughout most of Crawling Chaos). Then Sean's mic cut out. He had to share with Matt, who lives on the other side of the fucking stage. Thank god Sean has a wireless setup. It was terrible. The boys were so disappointed. However, they soldiered through it. That's a mistake that a band can't just cover up. Everyone could hear the sound problems. It wasn't the band's fault and people knew that. They didn't stop the set, they didn't let on that they were discouraged. They played their instruments throughout the entire mishap, Erk sang into a dead mic. They just kept going and for that, I am proud of them. The biggest show thus far of our entire career. Even with the technical difficulties, they persevered and played an almost flawless show.

I'm sitting here. It's 1:30 in the am. My feet hurt. I just took my contacts out. My calves hurt. I still have to take my makeup off. Changed into comfy clothes. Sitting back enjoying a raspberry ice tea and some Cheez-Its. Good dinner, yay! I have to work tomorrow. And sunday. Yeah, go ahead and laugh. Fucks.

Other than that, everything is peachy. I have 'Right Now' by Van Halen stuck in my head. It's been there since I was coming home from work at 3 this afternoon. It's been there all night. Fucking implantation of information in my cerebrum. Fuck you brain.

That's all. I have decided to add another fun thing to my blog, in addition to the music and the link. I am proud to give you, Hizzy's Thought of the Day. Ok, they're not really mine. I'm ripping them off from various humor sites, but still, they're interesting and sorta fun to think about.

HTOTD : Why do they put pictures of criminals up in post offices. What are we supposed to do, write these men? Why don't they put their pictures on postage stamps so mailmen can look for them while they deliver mail?

SOUNDS : Dave Matthews Band - "Don't Drink the Water" (and don't laugh at the Hizz, my Winamp is on shuffle and I didn't download this song. Yoda did. I copied his hard drive. Blame him.) I need that picture from Blender mag with Dave Matthews dressed an a Wookiee, so I can laugh hysterically everytime I see it. Go back to Endor, you freak. (and if you don't get the joke I'm making, you're more lame than I thought).

LINK : Dancing -- make Dubya bust a move.


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