Monday, October 24, 2005

For a small piece of paper it carries alot of weight. Call it lean, mean, mean green

above lyric from "For the Love of Money" by the O'Jays.

I'm switching banks (mainly because I'm really tired of not having but 2 atms in this fucking city that I can go to without getting a surcharge). If anyone has any banking suggestions for me, please let me know. Right now, my top 2 choices are Commerce and Bank of America, with US Bank running a very close third. Tell me why your bank works for you, or if it doesn't.

There's a possible problem looming on the horizon and I need to be monetarily prepared should I have to leave my place. Don't worry, I'm not getting evicted and I'm not in any sort of health mess. I just don't want to bring it up right now. Before rumors get started, I'm not sick, dying, nearly homeless, pregnant, or anything like that. This involves a possible conflict between school and work that may result in me having to quit my job for a period of 4-5 months and move back home. I want to avoid that, so if I can save enough money, I can put a down payment on a condo or a house (a very cheap house). Welcome to my pipe dream, everyone. I wish I would have won Powerball. But, don't worry about me. I always figure out a solution. I'm not totally stressing over this, just keeping it in the back of my mind. I don't need advice or any help at this moment.

And now it's time for the 2nd installment of "Things I realized recently". These are in no particular order, just general observations I've made about the world around me.

--It went from warm to cold in just a little under 24 hours. It's like we skipped autumn and went straight to winter. That's st. louis weather for you.

--Everyone at my apartment complex must own 3 cars a piece and park them all after 9 pm. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get a good spot after 9 pm. I had to walk in the cold about a quarter of a mile, carrying laundry in the freezing ass cold, because I couldn't get a good spot.

--There is an obesity epidemic in this country. I saw a lady yesterday sitting on her front porch eating an Imos pizza straight out of the box. She was like 300 lbs. I felt bad for her. But, at the same time, I wanted to go buy her some fruit.

--Dear Mother Nature, are you done fucking with us yet? Quit it with the hurricanes.

That's all of my observations this week. I'm thinking of doing a weekly segment about things I've learned. I'm also going to start carrying a notepad around with me, to note things of interest. You never know what gems I'll come up with.

Until then, keep on keeping on.

Music - "Poem" by Taproot

1 comment:

Quilled One said...

Don't go with Commerce Bank. They will fuck you. I used to have an account with them and there were always discrepancies due to "hidden" surcharges and fees.

Go with Bank Of America. Or US Bank. Or anything NOT Commerce Bank. That's my advice...