Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Love Song

**Everyone knows that Love Song was originally written by the Cure. If you don't, then you are a fag. It is my favorite Cure song and my all-time favorite song to come out of the 1980s. It makes me sad when a sucky band like 311 covers it. Regardless, this song gets 4 out of 5 horns.**

I know, I know. Long time no post. Hey, I've been busy.

For the first time in a long time, I'm happy. I've been this way for a week. Never knew that one person could send me into such a fucking frenzy, make me totally crazy. Nix did, and he's the reason I haven't been coming out to blog. You think I'd blog when I have someone I'm absolutely nuts for staying at my house? Nope, me neither. I just can't get enough of him, of who he is, of how he makes me feel. There's just so much about him I long to know and many things about him that I already do know and love.

He cried in front of me the other day and again last night. I think it's beautiful that a guy is able to do that. Usually those feelings never come out. Nix makes me feel amazing. He is someone I'm able to talk to, he's spontaneous and entertaining, he holds doors for me and gets me things and doesn't allow me to get up. No one has ever done that for me. It's maddening, and i Love it.

He drives me absolutely insane with his OWN insanity. I like the idea that you never know what to expect with Nix, there's a suprise around every corner. I haven't laughed, cried, or poured my heart and soul out to a person this much in such a long time. He makes me feel so comfortable. So safe. This feels so right.

He has to go home today and I don't want him to. It's not because I like this little domestic co-hab we have set up. WHile that's part of it, it's more that I know that he's gonna be gone for a week and a half and I don't think I've mentally prepared myself for it yet. That's why god invented cell phones and phone cards though. I think I'll manage. I hope.

Bottom line is this...I am absolutely enamoured with Nix. I don't want to jump the gun on anything. I like where we are at right now. I really want to be with Nix for a long time and I think it could happen. Nix is the greatest thing that has come into my life for almost as long as I can remember. And I love him.

In other news.

--Thank you to everyone who came out to the scarlet whore show. The turnout was super impressive and everyone seemed to have a great time. Thanks especially to Nix and Scott for filming.

--Great party, Joe.

--Read the Meatloaf script -- HILARIOUS

--SAW, good movie. See it.

I think that's it. I don't feel like typing anymore.

Whenever I'm alone with you, you make me feel like I am home again.

Song : "Simple Man" by Skynyrd
No link today.


Quilled One said...

*the "Love Boat" theme plays wherever Hizzy goes now*


And no, I'm not taking that back...

Anonymous said...

Glad you are happy and have found someone who makes you happy. Everyone needs someone like that. I am thankful for Steve everyday and even though he will be gone for awhile, enjoy the time you do have alone and know that when he comes back things will be great again and pick up right where they left off.


NixEclips said...

Jeezuz, you make me sound like such a pussy.

Nix says: I'm gonna make the world orgasm.