Saturday, September 04, 2004

No more work, please.

In the words of Dante Hicks from Clerks, "I'm not even supposed to be here today." Work -- on a Saturday, psssh, not in my world. Oh well, it's only until 2.

I have a lot to do for this party. I still need to buy a gift and go help Amber set up. You know, it's funny. True, this is sort of a party for Toni and Erich. Now, hear me out before you go jumping all over my shit. However, no one says you HAVE to talk to them. Shit, come over, drink, swim, be wild, whatever. The majority of 'the group' will be at this party. I guess I just find it humourous that there's a guy's night tonight. I chuckled when I heard that one. Amber and I discussed it, and she is not happy. She feels like that after she went through all this trouble, why people would be so petty as to let a problem get in the way of having fun. I guess she sees it as a indirect 'fuck you' to her, after she shelled out around two hundred bucks to make this a great end of summer party (that's not counting my contribution of around 50 or so). Anyway, Amber and I resolved that we are not going to even tell Erich that there's a guys night. It will upset him and ruin his entire night. The person I feel for the most in this entire situation is Beaver. I talked to him on the phone last night and he was confused as to what to do. He wanted to just do one, hadn't decided which. He knew that if he did this, he'd have to let someone down. Dude's even thinking about going to the party and then guys night. Hmmmm, wonder how we tell Erich why his best man left the party?

There are people I don't care for. Some of them were even in this group. But, I sure don't distance myself from my other friends or not go to an event because that person was gonna be there. Shit, if anything, I'd go to the event to see what slutty stuff the person does next (I'm not talking about anyone in this group. Think Columbia).

I'm not trying to bust anyone's balls here or shit like that. True, you guys haven't seen Corey in a while. Wonderful, go see Corey. I've been meaning to hang out with him myself. I just found it a little fishy that rather than coming and having a good time with your other Juice friends and acquaintences, there's this little guys night thing going on. I feel like it was almost deliberate.

Don't say that you forgot. Don't even fucking say that. People have only been talking about this for the last month or so.

Blogs are for expressing your feelings and I'm tired of this shit. Go, have your little karaoke competiton (this group always seems to jump at that word 'competition'. Someone always has to be the best.' I should do a list too, ranking the egotism and just over all rudeness of the people in BJ. Wonder how that would go over. Might be a more accurate list). Anyway, go have your fun. Just take comfort in the fact that right now, you've got Beaver all confused, Amber's pissed, I'm getting there quickly, and when people ask why others aren't there, I'm gonna flat out say "They had better things to do then come to a fucking cool party.)

Let the ass jumping begin.


Music -- The Pixies - Where is My Mind?


Quilled One said...

I have chosen NOT to go to this party. It's not that I don't want to hang with everyone else, it's NOT a 'fuck you' to anyone, not even Toni and Erich. I just don't want to go to an S&M fetish party. I also don't see the point in going to a party that celebrates a guy who has been a total dick to me. Fuck off with your self-righteous bullshit, I'm tired of hearing you bitch about how people should 'go with the flow' just for the sake of a good time; I can do whatever I damn well please, and that includes not going to a party if I don't feel like it. Plus, I don't feel like buying a gift for Erich and Toni; I don't feel like dressing the part for the party. It's nothing against you or Amber, or anyone else there - I've been burned by Erich and therefore do not feel celebrating him. Plus, why is it so god damned important that I be there? Or anyone for that matter? Seriously, why the fuck do you care enough to preach and bitch about it? Here's a tip: stop telling other people what they should do, it's fucking ignorant as shit and I've held my tongue about it for some time, but now it's on. You want to push, lady, I'll push right the fuck back.

And for your information, we weren't going to karaoke for the competition part, we were going to hang with Corey. But by all means, go and make your little 'egotism' list, if it makes you feel better. Be pissed if you want. Last time I check, I had a choice on where I party and who I party with. You go, have fun at that party, and I expect you to lay off with this shit in the future...

Scott said...

To be honest Hiz, I really knew nothing about this party until the other day. I can understand Amber and you being upset, but as Quill said people do have a choice. I'm sorry that you put so much effort into everything, and that Erich seems to be the pivotal point in all of this, but sometimes that's just the way things are. Some people can only take so much, as I'm sure you know.

Quilled One said...

--not quill,, but JOE!----

Andrea, Amber, Erich, toni, Im sorry for not comming tonight. S+M really isnt my bag, and i find it embarrasing. Im not against having a good time, and i think toni and erich are cool.

I dont like the way i look, and have no interest in showing myself off. I also havent been with a woman in a L O N G time, and its been since 2002 since ive had anything resembling a relationship. I cant watch love scenes on tv for christs sake. Why the fuck would i want to see my friends dressed like that? The only way ive been able to dig myself out of depression is to convince myself i dont long for that.

I expected to be at home alone tonight working, which is how i spend most of my time. The other stuff came along and sounded fun.

i wish toni and erich the best, and i still hope i can attend other related functions, but this one just wasnt for me. I would have been a downer, all mopey and weapy like.

my tastes are more along the lines of bbq, music, buds, and sunshine. Perhaps i can throw a party at a park sometime,, and if you like, you can have the girls over to your place, at the same time.

untill then, try and have a good party. Remember, if you have a bad time, its your own damn fault.

love and kisses,