Sunday, September 05, 2004


I returned home from the party at 1pm. I was tired. I'm pretty awake now.

I will post a synopsis of the party at a later date. I need some time to think about how to best formulate said synopsis.

I'm watching The Royal Tenenbaums. It's on FX, so there's commercials. I've always loved that movie. I need to get the DVD at some point. It is probably one of most funny movies I've seen in a long time. By funny, I don't mean braindead funny movies like Half Baked or shit like that, nor is it a movie like Old School. Ben Stiller, Owen AND Luke Wilson, Gwenyth Paltrow, and Bill Murray are in it. I recommend picking it up at your local Blockbuster.

Deals is like my favorite store of all time now. They have food there. Good food. Not like crappy almost expired shit. I spent 30 bucks there and got loads of food. It's all a dollar. Yep, that's all. A fucking dollar. I have never been happier.

At some point, I have to vacuum. I have this shitty Dirt Devil thing. I wish I had a cool one like Scott's. I also need to put my laundry away.

Oh well, that's all.


Current Music : Barathrum - Demon Es Dues Inversus

Link of the Day : The Incomplete Words of Billy Shakespeare

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