Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Ouch (the 2nd installment)

I injured myself again. My knee decided to introduce itself to Mr. Coffee Table. I now have a bruise. God dammit.

Stuff's going pretty decent here. Back to working normal hours.

Fear Factory is coming to town, we should all go. It should be a very rockin' show.

Did a lot of homework tonight and did some research for a project. I hate to say it, but I'm really enjoying graduate school. Now if only my wednesday class wasn't such a fucking chaotic zoo, I'd be just fine. My Monday class seems to prove much more sedate. Probably because there's only 15 people in that class and it's more of an ed. psych class, which I'm totally stoked about. I am such a goddamn nerd. I'm so glad I went back to school.

Everyone needs to look at the pictures below as I spent a lot of time uploading them.

Watched two excellent movies yesterday -- Bartleby and The Royal Tenenbaums. Bartleby is based on Herman Melville's classic short story, Bartleby the Scrivener, which is one of my all time favorite short stories. Bit of useless music trivia. Did you know that Herman Melville is a distant relative of Moby? Betcha didn't. It's true. Look it up, Moby's even talked about it in the past. Oh well, as much as I love Herman Melville, Moby still sucks. Gigantic balls.

And I just love the Royal Tenenbaums. I don't think I need to explain.

That's all for now.

Currently playing : StL Cards vs. San Diego Padres (on 1120 KMOX)
Link of the Day : This one is for all of you Megaman fans (not the new Megaman, but the really old Megaman that we all loved in the 1980s. A must see for any video game kid). I am proud to present, courtesy of, Megaman : Titanium Rhapsody

The Hizzy

1 comment:

Quilled One said...

Dave with love that...he's a mega-maniac. LOL

About the FF show...even though it's Jeremy's birthday, I'm going to talk to him because I want to go to that show. Every concert I want to go to seems something else comes up to intervene, and I'll be darned if I can let this show get past me. I will be there even if I'm dying LOL.