Sunday, October 24, 2004

The Song Remains the Same

**The Song Remains the Same is the name of a Led Zeppelin album, which is the soundtrack of a pseudodocumentary of the same name. I like Led Zeppelin, and TSRTS is a damn good song/album/movie. I give it 4 horns up**

Same shit, different day. Nothing really new in my life right now. Except my cell phone.

Got a new phone. One person has emailed me in response to my email with their phone number. How difficult is it to email your phone number to people. Shit, I get longer forwards than it would take to type 7 digits. Get with it people.

Sorry, I'm in a really bad mood right now. I have a horrendous headache. I took some pills but I doubt they are strong enough. 3 2oomg Ibruprofen won't do the trick. I should have taken 4. Wish I had some Darvocet. That would knock me the hell out and make the headache go away. Of course, I"d also be so fucking hopped up with the Darvocet that I"d be floating for 3 days. Haven't taken any in years, I'd hate to see myself operate a motor vehicle. So much for going to work on that.

I have a plea to make. If you do not have any Halloween plans, please consider coming and seeing my band out at Pops on Halloween. We are having a really hard time selling tickets, due to what day it is. It's 6 bucks and it will be a good time. Don't sit at home bored. Come out to Pops and have some fun. It's a 20 minute drive. Anyone who comes, I will buy you a beer, guaranteed. Don't bring your cousin that I"ve never met and have me buy them beer, it's only people I know. Anyway, contact me if you want tickets. Otherwise, we as a band are going to have to buy the remaining tickets and none of us have that sort of money. I implore you and beg you, please?!

That's all. I was doing some reading, but between my head hurting, tickets not being sold, and the Cardinals losing, I"m in a pretty crap ass mood right now.

@Steve -- call me at work after 2pm tomorrow. There's something I need to ask you. You are not in trouble
@Scott -- do I need to bring anything on Tuesday?
@Joe -- do I need to bring anything on Saturday?

Anyway, I'm gonna go to bed now. My entire right side of my head hurts, from my neck to the top of my head. Fucking headaches. Fucking not strong headache pills. Fucking fuck.


Music : "Blood! Sex! Fire!" by Hansel und Gretel
Link : (sorta like, only with famous people/places/historic people. You name the person, they're on

Friday, October 22, 2004

We ARE the Champions






MUSIC -- "CELEBRATE" -- Kool and the Gang

Wednesday, October 20, 2004


**There are two excellent songs named "Loser" out there. One is by the ever lovely Beck. The other one is by Three Doors Down. I find both songs awesome in their own ways. I shall elaborate more on this at a later time. I give both songs 3 horns out of 5, just because neither are hard enough for me to truly love them.**

I am a loser. Plain and simple. Webster's Dictionary defines a loser as simply "someone who loses". It doesn't say what they lose. In my case, I keep fucking losing shit. In the last week I've lost a hard drive, 8 bucks (both stolen), and now, I lost my cell phone. Oh, and tickets to the NCLS game 6, but we'll get to that one later.

My cell phone...ah yes, that glorious thing that is preventing me from calling all you guys. I don't have numbers memorized, they were all in my phone. Anyway, I somehow lost the fucker in between getting off the elevator, mailing letters in the mailslot at the lobby in my office, and my car. I think I set it down somewhere, but I'm not sure. I've had so much shit on my mind lately that it's no wonder that I lost it. Regardless, it's gone. It's never coming back. I should have a new one by next week. Cingular is a bunch of assraping motherfuckers who want to charge me upwards of 120 bucks to get a new phone. I hate you Cingular. I'm gonna go torch your headquarters.

Game 6 tickets...ah yes, that glorious thing that I have wanted to do ever since I was a little Hizzy. I have always wanted to go to a playoff game. The atmosphere is different than a regular season game. My boss handed me two EXCELLENT tickets to the baseball game today. We're talking great seats, right behind the field boxes. The game is tomorrow at 3:45. I took the tickets and then realized, "Fuck, I can't go. I fucking have class. Wait, I'll skip and go." Then I remembered, "Fuck. I have a project due tomorrow. I have to fucking present my findings. Fuck. I can't go." My boss made me give the tickets back. But, me being sneaky, told him an hour later that I called my teacher and she said that I could just email her my findings. I knew that my teacher would NEVER allow me to do that, especially for a playoff game. He gave me the tickets, which I turned over to my mother. She's going to go, with her brother. She deserves those tickets. She puts up with my dad and my sister all the time, she needs some fun. Besides, her brother is going and he's a cool dude, so there are no 2 people better suited for those tickets. I hope they win. Mom will be so happy.

I don't know what it is with me lately. Physically, I feel fine. I'm not sick. But mentally, I'm fucking gone. Gone in the sense that I'm so bombarded with fucking work, band, school, and all this fucking drama in this goddamn group that half the time, I don't even know what day it is. I go to work and sleep and play solitare because I'm so burned out on it. I've been there a year and haven't gotten a vacation. Doc says I get one in November, but we'll see about that. Do you know how much good a week off would do me? It would do wonders. I need to do laundry. Guess what, I have no fucking time to do laundry. I went to walgreens at 1:30 this morning because I was up and needed some shit. 1:30. My mind is in a trillion different places. No wonder I lost my fucking phone.

In other news, congrats to Amber and Jason. They both got amazing jobs. Amber is working for an art studio out in Chesterfield and Jason is doing some data work for the government. Basically, he's dealing with military records. Nice that the fate of the military is in Jason's hands. I feel ever so secure. :)

Guys, seriously. I'm tired of all this. Do you know that I'd fucking love to go one day without hearing someone say "Guess what Beaver said?" or "I'm so sick of Steve" or "Why doesn't anyone call me" or "Did you read my blog" or "John Kerry this and that" or "Bush sucks/rocks" or "I wish people would visit me" or "rehearsal dinner" or "who'd win in a fight" or "weak" or "uber" or "leader" or "Erich" or a whole zillion other things. For once, I'd like to hear someone say "Nothing is fucking happening." Do you know how happy that would make me?

Note to reader : This is truly not bitching anyone out. I haven't called anyone out, so it's not bitching. I'm mearly stating all the words that are running through my head at any given moments of the day.

I'm just tired of all the drama. If I wanted to live in a soap opera, I'd move to Salem and live with the rest of the Days of Our Lives people. Does everything have to be a fucking ordeal? No. Everyone just needs to do their part, live their own lives, don't tread on anyone else, and just be happy with who they are.

I love you all.


Music : Mozart - Symphony 41 "Jupiter" (yes, even the Hizzy likes classical sometimes)
Link : Sporkitsu - the art of Spork warfare

Monday, October 18, 2004

I Have Nothing

**I Have Nothing is by Whitney Houston. I guess she used to be cool. I think she totally coke up her nose, that is. She sucks and so does her husband. Anyway, I give her no horns because she SUCKS***

Did nothing of importance today. Made myself broke by paying bills, watched baseball (we lost, SUCK), went to band practice, went to Pop's with the guys to promote the show, came home, and that's where I am now.

I was reading the online version of my former university's newspaper. It's called the Maneater. (Our mascot was a Tiger -- hence, the maneater). I found a very interesting article on blogging, written by columnist Matt Pierson in his column, Apocalyptic Masterpiece. First, let me say that Matt's been there for a long time. He was there when I was, and I've been out for going on 2 years. I don't agree with a lot he says, but he makes some funny points. so, here's the blogging article by Matt Pierson


I assume several thousand people (all right, maybe six — six people definitely) actually care about what I write. Of course, sometimes I abuse that privilege. Sheep grapefruit yogurt spelunking. See? That sentence made no sense, but you still read it.

People who read this column on a regular basis (defined as “ever”) know I have a big head. Not just anatomically either, although my skull does appear to have a bowling ball inside it. I’ve got a big ego.

So it was only natural I would take my ego and my writing to the realm of online blogging. Blogs, for those of you who just arrived in a DeLorean from 1985, are essentially people’s online diaries. They’re journals where you can be attuned to the day-to-day details of your friends’ lives.

Typically, they’ll have a clever title your friend has thought up such as, “Sitting in the Stall with Stephanie.” You’ll learn things about your friends such as their stances on the election, how they view current events and that they are really boring people. You’d think access to a person’s innermost thoughts would be a great gift. Hell, I thought I was going to become a mind reader. I was going to be Dear Abby, with evil intentions.

This was nicer than the time I stole my sister’s diary and found out she liked Bobby Jenkins. Even better, I won’t get grounded for reading a blog.

But, the blog is instead a curse. You learn your friends will write about absolutely pointless stuff. And you begin to question why you’re friends with someone who wrote three paragraphs about pizza.

In case you haven’t seen a blog, let me enlighten you with a typical posting:

Rick’s House of Awesome


I did a bunch of stuff yesterday, perhaps you’ll hear about it later.

In the meantime: music.

fed to you by Rick, 1:58 p.m.

The mind tickles with possibilities after reading that posting. What sort of “stuff” was done yesterday? Will I really hear about it later? And why is Rick feeding me? Unfortunately, when you read up on your friends, you start to lose interest in them. You already know everything they’ve been up to. Your conversations become replays of their blog.

Me: What’s going on dude?

Rick: Zzzzz.

Me: What’d you do this weekend?

Rick: I did a bunch of stuff yesterday.

Me: Like what?

Rick: Perhaps I’ll tell you later.

Me: Ok. Where are you going?

Rick: Music.

Naturally, if my friends were posting such hackneyed crap for the world to see, I decided to throw my hat in the blogging mix. After setting up my blog, Pierson Pandemonium, I eagerly began posting. The whole world would be illuminated by my tales. And I could link my site to pictures of Lindsay Lohan.

After I set up my own blog though, I got bored. I was spending more time writing about what I had done than actually going and doing things.

Blogging might be the wave of the future, but I’m going to leave my surfboard behind for now. All is not lost, however. Sure, I have a lot of stories to tell, but I decided you can’t post everything in life. Some things you just have to start telling people in person. And I can carry these Lindsay Lohan pictures around to show people."

That' s all.

Kisses and hugs,

Music : "War Metal" by Barathrum
Link : above

Saturday, October 16, 2004


**Sober is a song by Tool. If you don't know that, you're stupid. Just kidding. You know I love you all. Good song, one of my top 5 tool songs. I give it 4 horns up, just becuase there's 3 songs I like more than it. \m/\m/\m/ ***

Sober, that's what I am. I was a little bit tipsy last night. Last night was fucking awesome. We went out for Toni's birthday. Started off the night with a shot of JD at Toni and Erich's. I didn't need a chaser, thought I would for sure. Looks like the Hiz still has it! That was followed by a trek to Grand Ave and the Lemongrass restaurant, home of some of the finest Vietnamese/Chinese-y type fare in South City. It was also the stage for Hizzy's Parallel Parking Adventure. I found a spot about a block over from the restaurant, near Alabama. There was plenty of room. However, I blow at parallel parking. Eventually, I said 'fuck it' and told Chuck to parallel park my car for me. He couldn't adjust the seat, so I backed the car up and drove it into the spot, which was considerably large. Yeah, laugh. I suck at parallel parking.

Then it was off to the Landing. WOO! We went to Fat Tuesday's which is now my favorite place to go on the Landing. I had a great mudslide. Then I saw Drake, the former guitarist for Harkonin. It was cool, but confusing for each of us to see the other there, since we were both totally out of our element. If it was the Creepy Crawl, that would be different, but not Fat Tuesdays on the Landing, home of yummy frozen drinks. Posch and I screwed over this guy. He came up to us and put his fat grubby hands on our shoulders and told us to buy him two beers. We said, "Only if you buy us each a shot". He did. We totally screwed him. Shots are more expensive than beer. And I kept his change. I'm evil.

I found a black Salem ashtray at Fat Tuesdays on the bar that I totally wanted, so I swiped it. No crime in taking ashtrays. I'm so sure it happens all the time.

We went to Morgan Street. It was crowded and not very good. Then we went to the Trainwreck Saloon. We witnessed a near deathbrawl between a Cards fan and a Red Sox fan. It was great. We went to the President Casino...this is after Beaver ran off without telling any of us and ended up taking a dump behind trainwreck because he "had to go really bad". Cute, Bucky.

The casino was great. I figure I won about 8 bucks in nickels. It was short lived though because someone stole my fucking winnings bucket. I was playing Nickel slots on the top floor of the admiral. I had 2 people next to me, one on each side. I put my bucket down between the slots, as everyone does and played my credits. When I next looked down, the bucket and both of the people were gone. I didn't report it, but I almost cried. I didn't report it because I was tired and wanted to go home. I was starting to get a headache. I didn't want to sit in an interrogation room for 4 hours and wait for them to roll tape back to see who took it. Besides, that person might have been long gone anyway. My feet hurt. I wanted to go home.

It was a great night and I think Toni had lots of fun. I'm glad.

I had a very productive afternoon. I woke up at 1 this afternoon. Sleeping in rocks. And then I did the major part of this project I have due on wednesday. All I have to do next is type some stuff up, that won't take so long. Looking for the sites I needed took a long time. I think I have some really good ones though.

Then I finally got my dishes clean. I still have a couple pots and some plates that wouldn't fit in the dishwasher because it was almost overloaded. Those are okay though. I am also currently watching baseball and Mizzou football. I need picture in picture badly.

I have a project for someone to help me out with. I've been trying to locate the lyrics for "Rough Day" by Days of the New for sometime. I have questions as to some of the lyrics in there and I want to see what they're saying. This song is not on a DoTN album, but is on the Heavy Metal 2000 soundtrack. If anyone has these lyrics, email them to me.

That's all. Off to Sean's in a few hours for another party. Yay!


MUSIC : Snoop Dogg - Who am I (What's My Name?)
LINK : This site is awesome. It's English translated by Japanese people. HILARIOUS.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Blaze of Glory

**Blaze of Glory is by Bon Jovi. It has no significance to anything in this current blog. I'm just currently listening to it. Today, I am outing myself as a Bon Jovi fan. No more being closeted for me. I am proud to say that I own a copy of Slippery When Wet on vinyl. And if you don't like that, fuck you. Bon Jovi gets 3 metal horns, mainly because Richie Sambora is married to Heather Locklear and I hate that bitch.***

Sorry, I'm singing....hold on a second.

(Lord I never drew first but I drew first blood, I'm the devil's me young guuuuuunnnn)

Ok better. So sorry.

I have one fond bon jovi memory. I was 20 years old, drinking underage at the metal club I hung out at up at college. I drank free and underage, for 2 reasons. I have tits and I ran the metal show. Of course the metal girl would get free drinks. Anyway, we went on 80s night, not knowing it was 80s night. What should the DJ put on but 'Livin' on A Prayer'. I had a considerable amount to drink, as did all my friends. As if divinely instructed by God, I instinctively climbed up on the bar. The bartender followed me. We sang Bon Jovi at the top of our lungs, followed soon by the rest of the bar. Then I bought the bar shots. Those were the good old days, days of Jager shots till you puked, Irish Carbombs, Redheaded Sluts, you name it, we drank it. I'm lucky if I can do a night of shots without dying now. My tolerance was so much higher then. No, that wasn't the 19 shots of JD, 2 pitchers of beer night. That's a diffrent story, different club.

Tonight we're going out for Toni's birthday. I'm designated driver!!! Woo! No drinking heavily for Hizzy. That's okay, the Landing is expensive anyway.

Tomorrow is Sean's birthday. I think I have something in the way of a present in mind. I gotta stop by Borders and see what I can find. I have to get something at the mall for Toni anyway. Yeah, like I'm gonna tell you what I'm getting her. Let's just say, she'll be well able to shop for a while.

My 80 gig drive was stolen out of Jason's mom's car. Long story, if you're wondering, talk to me or Yoda about it. Anyway, long story short, I'm getting a 120 gig out of the deal! To that, I throw double metalhorns.

Gotta go to work.

Kisses to everyone,

Music : Pantera - Yesterday Don't Mean Shit

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Shout it out loud

**Shout It Out Loud is a song by one of the greatest metal bands ever to grace the stage, KISS. KISS rules, always have and always will, even without Peter Criss, who is my fave KISS member. I give KISS and their song 5 HUGE HORNS UP**

Scarlet Whore has a website. You are all required to go to it (because I said so, and because you all love me). It's here.

Nothing too eventful today. I went through a bunch of MP3 cds last night and found some mothafuckin' kick ass songs. I now have a grand total of 770 MP3s. Just wait until the wise one, Yoda, comes and hooks up my 80 gig. He was supposed to yesterday, but his car is sick.

Practice went well. The guys are working on a new Murderdolls cover. I forget the name of the song, but it's amazing.

Nothing really to report. I joined the Council. We'll just see how long I can stand that.

Tomorrow, work and then school and then hopefully home to catch the last couple innings of the ballgame. GO CARDS

Anyway, that's all.
You don't have to comment if you don't want to.


LINK : It's above. Click on it.
MUSIC -- Outkast : B.O.B. (Bombs Over Baghdad)

Monday, October 11, 2004

Computer Love

**Computer Love is an amazing song by Kraftwerk, who are largely credited with being one of the first techno acts. They're German. They have such other songs as Pocket Calculator and Autobahn. While they're not metal, they still rock. I give them 3 big metalhorns out of 5**

I love my computer and will love it even more once Yoda gets his Jedi ass over here and installs Win2k and puts in my lovely 80 gig hard drive. Then I will absolutely love my computer. I can see it now -- 80 gigs of music, music videos, and um....other stuff. I meant my novels, you pervert. My smutty ass novels. Ok fine, porn. Fuckers.

Today was uneventful. My boss was all depressed today, so he didn't talk to me much. Something with his ex-wife. I like days when the boss doesn't come in my office and bother me.

Class went good. I'm getting max points on all of my assignments. 4.0 GPA. Here I come.

I think someone should have a Halloween party. If no one else does, I will. But I'd prefer if someone else did, just because I hate to clean. However, I think it should be on a friday or saturday, since we all have concerts to go to on Sunday.

That being said, I may have a Slayer ticket for sale. Haven't made up my mind yet, just putting the seed in your head. I'll let you know when I have made a decision.

That's it. Waitin' for Yoda. Oh yeah, and fucking comment. I don't write these entries for myself.


Music : "Just Lose It" by Eminem (hilarious song, typical Em)
Link : This is an awesome flash thing that my friend Lael sent me the link to. I think you'll all love it. It's great. Click here for it.


**Dead is by Korn of their uber-sucky album, Issues. While I enjoy Korn, I thought this album blew more than a tornado in Kansas**

Quickie blog.

2 people passed away, we don't know them, but they're still important

Ken Caminiti, 1996 NL MVP, heart attack, age 41
Christopher Reeve, Superman, heart failure, age 52

Death happens in 3's. Who's next.


Sunday, October 10, 2004

We are the Champions

**We are The Champions is an excellent song by Queen. If you don't know who Queen is, you suck. I suggest listening to A Night at the Opera or a Queen best of album**

It was a good sports weekend for the metalhiz. Now, I'm one of the only girls I know that is this big into sports. Actually, if I were a dude, I'd be the only dude I know this interested in sports.

Let's review.

Mizzou vs. Baylor (football) -- MU 30 Baylor 10 (Mizzou moves to first place in Big XII North div.)
St. Louis Rams vs. Seattle Seahawks -- RAMS 33 Seahawks 27. (Can you say comeback!? Rams scored 3 TDs and a field goal in the last 5 minutes of the 4th Quarter to send it to overtime, and then scored another TD in OT)

and finally, the biggest news of the night.

St. Louis Cardinals vs. Los Angles Dodgers -- CARDS 6 DODGERS 2. (My Cardinals advance to the National Leage Championship. One down, 2 to go (series that is)).


This whole weekend was pretty nice. I spent most of Friday night kicking back after a difficult week at work and school. Went over to Toni and Erich's for a bit, drank a considerable amount.

Saturday, went to the Zoo with Toni and Erich. Free food and drinks, thanks to Anheuser Busch. Yes, free beer too. Anheuser-Busch family day at the zoo...can I get a hell yeah. And a no-drink limit. You just walked up and ordered whatever beer you wanted. I think it was day fresh beer too because it tasted good. Anyway, got some cool pictures from the Zoo.

Came back here and watched the Cardinals lose. Oh well, we won tonight! Found out last night from my friend Amanda (we were quite close in Columbia, she recently moved to Virginia) that she's engaged to Marty, who's a wonderful guy. I wish them happiness.

And today went well. Finished up my homework (well, the hard part at least. Typing up the response paper will take no time whatsoever). Decided to go to my old high school's homecoming fall festival thing. No game, just like a big festival really. It was so weird going back there. Sure, they do all kinds of capital improvements after I leave. Typical. Saw a lot of old teachers that I had and a couple girls that I graduated with. I felt old.

Band practice was cancelled, but we nailed down another gig. We are playing December 17 @ Just Bills out off of Page. Everyone needs to come out to this show. No excuses whatsoever. It's a friday night. (I'm looking at you, Spawn, Nix, and Quill, when I say all this). This is me in my element.

I think that's it. I've had a sinus headache most of the day. I get them all the time, no worries. Watched my favorite movie on TV today...Edward Scissorhands. I love premium cable. No commericals, cuss words, and nudity. Not in good ol Scissorhands though. I was just talking to Nix about Edward Scissorhands and Tim Burton last night. Ironic that it was on TV today.

I think that's it. Oh yeah, I pulled a "Scott" last night. Cleaned my apartment (well, kitchen) at 11:30 last night. Sucks to have no time.

Go Cardinals!

Music of the Moment : Black Label Society - "The Blessed Hellride"
Link of the Day : Something's Photoshop Phriday

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Rockin' in the Free World

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