Sunday, December 24, 2006


I am no longer employed at my old job @ the doctor's office. THANK FUCKING GOD! Still got a paycheck and hopefully a bonus coming, so I'll be nice and comfy until my new job gets rolling.

Some fun quotes from the past few days:

Andrea : That looks good (gazing at Jason's meaty goodness on his plate at the chinese restaurant by the K-Mart)
Jason : Yeah, it's called Choo Choo Chicken.
Joe : And a microphone.

(It's a Beck joke, for those of you not cool enough to like Beck)

"Jason and I just totally fucked up the universe" -Joe

"So they were out in the hallway and he pushed her up against the wall and kissed her. Then he just said "Oh fuck it" and whipped his dick out" -- nameless source about a nameless person

"Fuck that tubby bitch" --Me! (regarding an old friend of ours who fucked someone over royally)

"A dreidel. Gee. Thanks." Me!

There are some things I truly hate about blogs. First, the word 'blog'. It sounds like a bodily function. "I'm blogging" or "I blogged" just sounds completely insane. However, the thing I hate most about blogs is how people can write something in their blog and feel completely justified for saying it, because it's THEIR blog. I know, you're all thinking. "Yeah, and..." I just don't understand why people, upon reprimanding you for something and talking it out with you, feel compelled to reprimand you on their blog for something that had already been talked about and settled hours before. It's pretty much a dick move. Yeah, I said it. But you know what, fuck it. It's my blog. I can say whatever I want. I still think it's extremely rude though -- it's already been settled. Excuse me for being concerned. I'm sure my personal life and decisions have been discussed amongst others, as I have done the same thing. Don't tell me this isn't true. I know. How does that make you any different than me? I know I'm opening myself up and I don't really care.

While I'm on the subject of people. I remember an ad put out by Anheuser Busch about 10 years ago, stating simply, Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk. I think a couple of you need to take that one and really ponder it for a while. I'm not looking forward to the day that one of my friends leaves another person's home, after drinking a half-dozen Jager bombs or a 12 pack or whatever, gets in the car, and kills someone, or worse, kills themselves. What kind of a friend are you that you don't care enough about a person to discourage them from driving? While they are adult enough to make their own decisions, granted, you are also old enough to know that PEOPLE FUCKING DIE. A car is 2 ton death machine basically, when operated by an alcohol addled person. It's a machine. Would you want a drunk doctor operating on you? While drunk driving has never affected me directly, I just don't understand how knowing that people are drunk or knowing that they have a drinking problem and you have WATCHED them drink a substantial amount, that you still deem it okay to let them get in a car and drive. Put yourselves in their shoes. You're drunk, behind the wheel and you slam head on into a car. You kill someone's mother or father, child, pet, whatever. more than likely, you're going to jail for a long time. Not just jail, but prison, pound me in the ass prison. Then you get the stigma over your head for the REST OF YOUR LIFE as someone who got drunk, got in a car, and killed someone. Say you don't kill anyone and get a DWI. Unless you're fucking rich, good luck getting out of that one. Between lawyers, classes, court, etc, you're out a few thousand bucks when it's all over.

If we're at a party and you're drunk, I'll be happy to give you a ride home. As a matter of fact, I'd prefer it. At least I know that you're not endangering yourself or someone else. If you're over at my home, you WILL NOT under any circumstances drive if you've been drinking. I'll wrestle your keys away from you if I need to. I have a couch, feel free to use it. And if you need more beer, I'll be happy do drive my happy and justifiably self-righteous ass to the nearest store to buy you more libations. I'd rather do that than have someone live wtih the guilt of having killed someone. I don't want to live with the guilt of being an accessory to someone's death. If you don't like the rule, don't come over.

For example, take the case of Matt Browning, the St. Louis City police officer that lost BOTH of his legs when he was hit by a drunk driver after the 2004 baseball playoffs. That guy got 3 years in jail for 2nd-degree assault. 3 years, and then he's out. Browning won't be able to be a police officer anymore, won't be out on the street arresting the bad people, because HE DOESN'T HAVE LEGS ANYMORE. He's in a wheelchair, forever, because someone decided that they were okay to get in their car. And I wonder how many of their friends tried to talk them out of it.

I'm having deja vu. it seems I've had this discussion before. This can of worms has been re-opened. I think it was probably February or March of this year that i got pissed off about this the first time. I'm just really glad no one was hurt or killed or arrested. Cars can be replaced. People can't.

I know people are going to tell me that I'm totally wrong on this and that my opinion isn't valid or whatever, or that we're adults and can make a decision on our own. why put the blame on someone else though. It's always someone else's fault. And I know that a lot of this is all hypothetical, but isn't it our job to look out for friends? If they refuse, oh well, you warned them. A simple "Dude, you stay here, I'll go." or "Don't drive. You're fucked up." can save not only your friends life, but the lives of someone's mom, someone's brother, someone's infant, child, etc. Bad decisions can affect so many people for a long time. If you don't agree with what I've said, that's fine. You are by all means entitled not to. Just don't expect me to feel sorry for anyone who ends up in prison or severely injured in a hospital bed for driving drunk, because I won't.

Just think about it, friends. Long and hard. Think about it. That's all I have to say.

And you know what? It's my blog and I can say whatever I want.


Sunday, December 10, 2006

RMoMHaGD, Inc.

That's the most clever thing I think anyone has ever come up with. Must be nice to have time to sit around and make up little acronyms.

When was the last time I spilled someone's business all over the place. Where's my cookie, goddammit?

I don't have internet access and it's pissing me off. No cable either. Fucking charter.


Monday, October 30, 2006

Even the genius asks questions

above lyric from 'Me Against the World' by 2Pac

Okay, so here's what I'm gonna do. People have been on my ass like flies on shit about updating this blog, so I will. However, here's how we roll:

I am going to do a mass posting of all my MySpace blog entries that have been written since the last time I blogged on here. If you feel like responding, let me know what you're responding to. The entries are in reverse chronological order.

Friday, October 27, 2006
5:12 PM - Black No. 1

I'm sitting here with black hair, black eyes, and not an ounce of color on me. I love halloween. I'm going as a witch.The dye washes out, don't freak out, y'all.Spooky spooky! ANDREA

Thursday, October 26, 2006
6:06 PM - Crack is wack!
and so are Xanax-addled bitches that take over for the normal lady at work.I love it when someone is so fucked up on pills that their speech is all slurry. Wonder what the patients thought. Oh well, she sat there like a fucking zombie most of the day (once she got to work, she was about 3 hours late) and went outside a lot, to 'walk around' (which I took to mean smoke more crack and maybe blow some dude in an alley).Went to Dollar Tree after work for ibuprofen. I walked out with 6 bucks worth of goodness, but no ibuprofen. In my Dollar Tree stupor, I forgot the one thing I went in there for. Dollar Tree is my crack.Speaking of crack, the trucking company that employs my best friend Jason is on it. Jacksonville, FLA by Saturday at noon? I think not. Jason was supposed to be with us this weekend. And besides, that's a 20 hour drive. Factor in the 10 hour sleep time each day and the fact that he has NO TRAILER yet. Yeah, hit the pipe a little more, bitches.Happy birthday to Nix. In the words of Nathan Explosion, "A long time ago, something grew inside your mother. That thing was YOU!"My neighbors are weird. I've said this before, just need to reiterate. I keep hoping I'll see a mass of police cars and men in white coats when I come home from work one day, but alas, nothing yet.

Here are a couple links for your amusement:
Little Boy Gets Stuck in Claw Machine (did anyone ever think to use the claw to get him out?)Why Geeks and Nerds Are Worth It (I need to get me one of those.)
The Things People Argue About While Playing Monopoly (I argue about playing Monopoly.)
How to Get a Boyfriend (as Explained by an 11-year-old girl) (I need to take her advice. This kid knows what she's talking about. How can I get a hold of her. She shall be my relationship sensei.)That's all.Put down the crack pipe, everyone.

Currently listening : Pork Soda By Primus Release date: By 20 April, 1993

Friday, October 13, 2006
5:33 PM - Bad Boys
Getting pulled over is NOT COOL! Take my word on this one.

Saturday, October 07, 2006
3:56 AM - Get out your brooms
It's sweep time, baby!Go Cards!

3:26 AM - Jackass 2

Wednesday, September 27, 2006
1:41 AM - Halloween!
First, I got my substitute teaching job. Details of work arrangements to follow soon.Secondly, I love Halloween. Maybe it's the candy, maybe it's the spookiness of the whole thing. It's definately not the costumes. I am totally lame when it comes to picking costumes. So Posch and I took to the internet and found some really creative and easy ones. I will list them with sort of an explaination and you tell me which ones you think I should do. The one with the most votes will be considered highly. Here we go.
Little Dead Riding Hood -- pretty self explanatory
Goth Brooks -- dress up all gothy-like and then wear a cowboy hat
Wicked Witch of the West Side -- dress totally gangsta with a witch hat
Mona Lisa -- plain black clothes, black wig, no emotion on face, carry a picture frame
Zombie Hippie - dress all hippie and totally dead. Hold a sign that says 'make love not war' or 'give peace a chance'
The little girl from the Ring -- self explanatory, watch the movie
Always A Bridesmaid -- bridesmaid dress, messed up hair, broken bouquet of flowers, bride veil
and my personal favorite...Alice in Chains -- dress up like alice in wonderland. Wear chains around your costume. Lemme know which one you think I should wear!!!Back to writing my paper. I love you all, you sexy motherfuckers.

Monday, September 25, 2006
1:56 AM - Nerves
Current mood: nervous
If there's one thing I've never had a problem with, it's talking. I'm quite the chatterbox, as many of you are aware.However, if there's one thing I do have a problem with, it's interviews. I have a job interview position for one of a few sub positions in the Mehlville R-IX School District (aka the district I live in). I basically have to tell the HR people why I would be a good candidate to take over a classroom while a teacher is on leave for something (be it a sick child, a funeral, or maternity leave).I never knew one's stomach can be in both a knot and doing flip flops like the Rush Street Flyer at Six Flags. But mine is. This job is key for experience for me to get an actual teaching job in a couple years and if I don't get it, I will be absolutely crushed. I don't get crushed about a lot of things. I don't remember the last time I was completely crushed. I have already thrown up from nerves once today, and the way I'm feeling right now, there's a distinct possibility it could happen again before the night is out. I have paced, cried, gotten sick, stressed, everything. Let's face it, boys and girls. I'm nervous and my future is so uncertain right now that it scares me to death.To top it off, I have a project due at 6pm tomorow evening, complete with an oral presentation. I'm nervous about that, but not much, as I am about 90 percent prepared for that one. Oh, and the one for the other class too. Very important that I do well. Exceptionally well. In everything.My head hurts and my stomach feels like it's riding the Ninja.

5:40 PM - Sickening
Current mood: pissed off
So yeah, I'm a news junkie. I've been glued to the TV for days following the case of Baby Abby from Lonedell. After she was found safe and sound, a woman in East STL was found dead with her FETUS CUT OUT! Now, I may be all grim and necro sometimes, but her fucking best friend did it, passed the dead baby off as her own at the funeral, later told the truth, the baby was exhumed.Meanwhile, the murdered woman's 3 kids were missing (7, 2, and 1). They found them last night in the WASHING MACHINE and DRYER of their apartment. They were drowned elsewhere and put in there to decompose. I have almost thrown up at the thought of all this no less than 3 times today. I can say one thing for this woman that did this -- she doesn't half ass anything. I really feel for the family in this. They've lost not only a young woman who was a mot her, but also 4 children (the 3 kids and the fetus).What is it with women and kids? Jeez, we had that psycho up in Stillwell that killed that young woman and stole her baby, we have the psycho lady from Lonedell, we have this bitch from East St. Louis who is potentially responsible for the deaths of 5 people!!!! And we've got that psycho chick from Texas who drowned all her damn kids. If you can't take care of kids, dont' have them. If you're crazy, do something about it, and stop taking other people's kids. They're not yours. And if you want to get pregnant, do it the right way, don't take someone's kid. 18 years of taking care of a kid of your own is far better than spending the next 20 years to life in jail.I hope these bitches fry.

Thx to the folllowing people for various things :
Dustin -- thx for the music suggestions. went on a download frenzy today and I like most of the stuff.
Joe B. -- thx for letting me have the thing at my house tonight. Figured I'd give you a night off. Thx in advance for fixing my laptop.
Everyone else -- thx for the wishes of good fortune and good luck for my job interview tomorrow. I am quite nervous, and that has further caused my propensity to almost throw up (I also have a 40 minute presentation for class tomorrow). I appreciate it.Some people shouldn't breed,
Currently listening : Takk... By Sigur Ros Release date: By 13 September, 2005

Friday, September 22, 2006
1:27 AM - Better
Current mood: productive
I'm feeling better today. I don't know why I was so depressed the other night. Just happens sometimes I guess. I felt amazingly refreshed the next day. Eventual sleep and a total clearing of the mind will do that to a person. I have a lot of stuff to do this next week, but I look at it fearlessly, knowing that I have yet to disappoint myself this year.Put your hand on the ground. Feel that cold sensation? No, it's not because it's 40 outside. It's because hell has frozen and I have cleaned this place -- at least you can walk in here now without tripping over shoes and cds. Smells great in here too. I'm a big smell person. It smells like air freshener, my freesia candle and that wonderful incense known as Nag Champa. I got my new tv, depsite the clusterfuck that lead up to it. I have decided that clusterfuck is now my favorite word, replacing inocculate. I finally got to begin watching all the DVDs I got for my birthday. I also rewatched Quills, Big Lebowski, and Napoleon Dynamite, because I missed them so. I stayed up sooo late last night watching movies. I'm kinda sad about leaving my 5th graders next week. They were really a great bunch of their kids. Their teacher, my elementary mentor, is a terrific lady and a remarkable teacher. It's off to Middle School. I hope all the kids like me (if I had a quarter for all the times....). I will be so glad when this semester is over. It's definately the hardest one thus far. So much stuff to do, so much time to devote. It's okay, I've done it before.My neighbors are so weird. I wish weirdness was in our lease. Then they wouldn't live here and I wouldn't have to put up with incessant fighting and their damn kid screaming at them everytime she doesn't get her way. The walls are paper thin. Oh shit, then god knows what they've heard over here. I'm giving Joe a break on Sunday and having people over here for the typical Sunday night festivities. I think that's all.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006
1:54 AM - Mommy
Current mood: depressed
So I probably shouldn't be writing this, because I'm dead tired. I haven't been sleeping well AT ALL. I'm buying a TV tomorrow because I'm tired of being a hoosier and watching my 13", which, in true hoosier fashion, is perched on top of my entertainment center. The non-working 24" is in it's spot in the entertainment center. Call me white trash, go ahead. I dare ya!Anyway, my mom is coming over to help me move my entertainment center. My TV is too tall to move out of the front, so I gotta move it with the heavy ass TV still on it and I can't do it by myself. My apartment is a DISASTER. I am getting up at 6 am to clean, so my mom doesn't flip her fucking lid. I'd flip my lid if I were her, there's really no excuse for the mess. I just really have zero time and I have pretty much stopped caring about a lot of stuff. I think I'm depressed.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
9:59 PM - Kitty kat outside my door
Current mood: uncomfortable
First, a poem.

Kitty cat outside my door.
I don't want you to be there anymore.
My neighbors are weird and leave you food
You're a wild animal and that's not good.
Kitty cat out in the hall
I slipped on your food by the mailboxes today and it almost made me fall
Go away kitty cat
And take my neighbors with you

Okay, so the last part didn't rhyme. Fuck off, this was just a small poem, nothing too intellectual there. I have a toothache. I went and bought some Orajel tonight, applied it, and it became Droolfest 2006 in my apartment. It was not attractive. Orajel makes your gums numb and makes you drool. It did not make my tooth feel better.Something needs to be done, preferably something violent, to the assholes who drive on 40. In the past two weeks, both wednesdays, I've been forced to exit the highway due to some form of accident/rubbernecking, a combination of both. Goddamn, people. Learn how to fucking drive. 40 is bad enough as it is. And how can it be THAT crowed at 8:30 on a fucking Wednesday. Especially when the ballgame ended at like 4. There should be traffic reports 24 hours/day, on the hour. Not just during the day. Bastards.That's all. I'm a little bit not happy right now. I work until 7 tomorrow and then it's coffee house. Finally, something to take my mind off all bullshit.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
1:10 AM - Oh! Oh! Pick me!
Current mood: hopeful
I have a job interview on Monday to be a sub for the Mehlville School District. Finally, something relevant. Wish me luck!

Sunday, September 10, 2006
3:49 AM - Fuck.
Current mood: pissed off
Just went outside to talk to a friend that had stopped by for a bit. We were standing by my car and I felt sticky shit on my car. I looked and guess what?MY MOTHERFUCKING CAR GOT FUCKING EGGED! Guess I didn't notice it when I left Amber's. I am SO pissed. I really really hate people.

3:13 AM - Cold.
Current mood: cold
It is positively freezing in here. Thank god for blankets.So I just took the 'Dead Celebrity Soulmate' test. Turns out that I'm super compatible with one Edgar Allan Poe. Madness is sexy. You can find the thing at
I find it interesting that it's at A&E's Biography. Seems a bit too playful for A&E. Oh well.Amber had a party tonight. It was kinda weird going over there, as I haven't been there in well over a year, due to a massive falling out. Needless to say, I had a relatively good time, except for my freak-out (I haven't had one lately, so I was entitled). A crack was made about my sister that didn't need to be made. I felt the need to defend her and ended up outside shaking in anger and disgust and just really feeling the urge to cry and scream at the same time. It got sorted though. I've been doing really good with my fits lately. Usually I'm able to calm myself down relatively quickly without doing anyone any sort of harm. Tonight was different. I think it was partially nicotine withdrawls, partially that a member of my family was unnecessarily attacked. Oh well, it's over.My friend's car got egged at the party. We don't know by who, probably not someone there. We think it was a driveby. How absolutely immature. If you're gonna egg a car or whatever, do it to someone you know, not just some random act of egging. Turns out I have a friend with a bit of pull at the school district I'm applying at to be a sub. This could mean big things. I hope I get into the sub program for the district. It would mean I'd get to quit my job and really start getting into hardcore real teaching, instead of being at a job I loathe.Talked to Jason today. He's doing good. We're gonna take a trip, hopefully, up to the Hippie Memorial in Arcola, Illinois sometime in the distant future. It's probably just a sign and a couple of tye-dyed things, but that's okay. If anything, it's a great photo op.Tomorrow's agenda, homework, clean apartment, go to Joe's for all the wonderful cartoon programming, and then come home and prepare to go back to fucking work. Goddammit vacation flew by. People need to leave comments. I don't write this shit for my health, or maybe I do. Either way, comments are needed and appreciated. I'd like comments on the poems in my previous 2 entries as well, so that my writing can be guided in the right direction.

William Shakespeare once said:" Sleep that knits up the ravelled sleave of careThe death of each day's life, sore labour's bathBalm of hurt minds, great nature's second course,Chief nourisher in life's feast." --Macbeth

Goodnight, friends.
Currently listening : De Stijl By White Stripes Release date: By 11 June, 2002

Friday, September 08, 2006
5:14 PM - Sometimes all you need is sleep and silence.
Current mood: calm
Everything is all better. I went a bit manic on the blog last night. Thanks to those of you who IMed me to see if I was still alive. God, didn't realize I sounded quite THAT bad, but hey, that's the net for you. Tone of voice accounts for just about nothing.It was the blog that helped me. Once I typed them both out, I felt much much better. I just hit walls sometimes and it frustrates me. That and I've been having problems sleeping for the last month. And I've been a little sick. Oh well, such is life. Gonna go ride metrolink downtown to go eat with some friends. Should be quite interesting. I do hope I don't get on the wrong train and end up over at the airport. that's all. More a bit later if I get the chance.
Currently listening : Baby's Got a Temper By The Prodigy Release date: By 16 July, 2002

3:02 AM - And another thing...
I feel shitty. My shoulders are screaming right now as is my back. I really need to go get a massage from Angel (no happy endings, no hot girl-girl shit, straight up legit massage).And if I have another fucking headache, that's the last straw. I already have insomnia. Some loser asshole is outside blasting his stereo at 3am...shitty rap. Shit, at least blast some good rap, like old school NWA or some Run DMC. I think it's ICP. Had an ex that WORSHIPED ICP. So I can sorta pick it out. (Thanks a whole hell of a lot, Weze).Been an interesting week. Bounced between having fun, being depressed, being scared, and wanting to punch about 15 different people in the face. IN THE FACE!Maybe I'm just lonely. Of course, that is rectified by finding some asshole to put up with me. I don't know. I really am a good girl, a fun chick. Oh well. Gotta look out for number 1, really. I just really need intellectual conversation with someone who isn't a blithering idiot.I miss my best friend, Jason. He's a truck driver and he's gone for at least 2 months. He'll be back sometime in October. Glad he was able to come to my birthday gathering. Meant a lot to me, considering he had to leave the next day for trucking hell. Sunday night Adult Swim time is NOT the same at all, even though I love the Joe and everyone else who comes. There' s just something missing without Yoda. Same with the coffee house. We all need a little dirty hippie in our lives. Best friends for 19 years. Next year is the big 20 for us. Sometime in August. Whenever we started first grade. we used to get our asses kicked together. Two totally geeky little kids. He's like a brother.

To a Friend on the Road
Miles of highway stretch before you
Enveloped by the miles
Not seeing much, but seeing everything
The open road is your freedom
The wind in your hair brings you home
You belong to the highway

Lonely nights sleeping on the floor
Of a moving mammoth
Bound for god knows where
Anywhere but where you came from
You understand what you left behind
And I know everyday you remember

There's a void
A simple emptiness
Through which we are connected
You are our sweetest comrade
Sadly, we must share you
With the road.

Sucks. I'm really terrible at this stuff. You should see some of the early early shit I wrote. Total teen angst bullshit. I haven't written anything substantial since I was 19. I used it as therapy. Perhaps now is time to get back to it.Or maybe not, I have too much other shit to do. We'll see. Come on you fuckers. Comment. On anything. Any entry. I need those. And page comments. Makes me feel special.
Currently reading : Naked By David Sedaris Release date: By 01 June, 1998

Friday, September 08, 2006
1:20 AM - All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be.
Current mood: sad
Today was sort of a sad, kind of sick feeling day for me. This morning, I woke up nervous. Fuck it, I went to bed nervous. My professor has put so much pressure on us in class to be perfecto in our observations that I was literally pacing last night. My normal mix of tea, incense, and candles couldn't soothe my nerves. I never thought I'd be this keyed up about observing fifth graders. It went okay though. They all seemed to be pretty well-behaved. Far more well behaved than myself or any of my classmates were when we were in fifth grade (1991, oh what a long time ago that was). I remember the days of switching names and seats for any sub that ever dared walk into our classroom. I remember the torment. Oh well, not one to dwell.Tommy and Sarah moved today. They're my neighbors in the downstairs diagonal direction, next to my downstairs neighbors. Two of the coolest people I've ever met. Tommy is a recovering alcoholic and a hell of a guy. Sarah's just a really cool chick. They are moving to New York state. Gonna miss them, they were my cohorts in trying to get DFS to remove the little girl that lives next to me from her parents, because they're abusive assholes.My restaurant burned down. No, I haven't suddenly turned entrepreneur on you all. The restaurant that I play trivia at, O'Leary's, suffered substantial damage in a fire this morning. Now I know, it's just a fucking building. However, it's a building that holds countless good times and memories for me. I don't drink, I simply went there to play trivia and have a good time with my friends. We had become regulars and I consider the co-owner a friend, as well as a lot of the staff. So fuck you.That fucking pink line is back on my monitor again. Dell Support is getting a call tomorrow. Fuck, can I ONCE please have a non-broken in some way computer? Is that too much to ask?Oh well, tomorrow is another day.

Here's a poem. It's called Gone.
It's old, but I think it applies quite nicely. I wrote this in 2000 after a good friend of mine committed suicide.


The night wind whistles outside my window
And I awaken to the silence
Trenches of confusion, walls of uncertainty
Surround me
I awaken to find you gone.
It was strange, for you were just here
Happiness is taken for granted.
Surrounded by the shroud of fog
I plunge into darkness
Still to find you gone

Sitting here, listening to the wind
My mind is racing, I'm trapped
Why am I still here
Only to know you're gone?

It sucks, I know. But if you don't like it, stop reading my shit.That's all.
Currently listening : Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots By The Flaming Lips Release date: By 16 July, 2002

Tuesday, August 22, 2006
12:18 AM - Happy birthday to me!
Thank you to all who called, commented, IMed me with loads of birthday wishes. They were much appreciated.

Monday, August 14, 2006
2:23 AM - Dethklok
Current mood: satisfied
Dethklok is Spinal Tap for the next generation, only animated.Metalocalypse is the greatest show EVER on Cartoon Network, hands down.Watch Dethklok (everyone's favorite animated metal band drink, fight, and be fucking metal at all times) on Sunday night Adult Swim on Cartoon Network.The Dethklok theme is on my page.All hail the mighty Dethklok

Friday, July 28, 2006
1:52 AM - Crazy bitch
Current mood: hyper
I think I need to lay off the sugar.Tonight at the coffee house, a different Andrea came out to play. I was loud, I was boisterous, I was fun and un-bothered by most around me.I think it has to do with the fact that I hate my job, so I have to somehow channel all that negative energy into something positive. Having fun like that enables me to forget that my boss is a damned fool.I hope I wasn't too obnoxious. Finally met some of the people who hang out at the coffee house. Really cool cats, most of them. It's a lot more laid back than the grind. The grind was filled with emo kids, pseudo-punkers, preps, pseudo-intellectuals. I just feel the people at this place are a lot more real. The new Grind is gonna blow anyway. Besides, this place is closer to school than the Grind, so I will be going there more often during the school year.I'm really getting bored with my book. It's all a flashback in this particular installment of the Dark Tower series. I think I may put it down and focus on something else for a little while. It just really seems to drag on and on and on. So I think I'm going to focus my reading energy elsewhere for the time being.Less than a month until school starts up again. Am I wrong to be waiting with anticipation for it?Looking for a new job, but doing it the right way. Keeping the old one until I get a new one. If anyone knows anywhere that's hiring and will pay me at least 10-12 dollars an hour, hit me up.I think that's all. Another day, another headache tomorrow. I'm feeling kinda poetic. Maybe I'll write something down tonight. Maybe I won't. I'm blocked, truthfully. Dunno. Don't care. I just need to write.Now returning you to your regularly scheduled life.
Currently listening : Opiate By Tool Release date: By 10 March, 1992

Friday, July 21, 2006
7:44 AM - Once more...
Current mood: amused
No work for me, again.Thank you to AmerenUE for not being hasty about getting the power back on. Glad they've been working on the people who need power, like old people and hospitals and shit. The power could be off for a month for all I care.Back to bed,
Currently reading : Wizard and Glass (The Dark Tower, Book 4) By Stephen King Release date: By 07 October, 2003

That is all. I'm back to blogging on here as well as on my MySpace. They shall be quite similar, so you only need to really look once.


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Jump out of bed and I stumble to the kitchen, pour myself a cup of ambition and yawn and stretch and try to come alive.

above lyric from '9 to 5' by Dolly Parton

I don't have to work today. Thank you, bad storm. Rock.


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I am what I am and that's all I can ever be

above lyrics from "Let Me Be" by the Turtles

2 updates in one week? I must be sick. Nope, just totally wicked awesome stuff has been happening here in my world.

That's right peeps. I have new things. Actually, one is not here yet, but when it arrives, there will be a celebration from me that none have ever seen before. There shall be much rejoicing when I welcome my brand new friend, Compy, into my home. He is arriving from a box shipped from the Dell computer plant to my parents house, at which time he becomes mine. Lovely lovely day. He's pretty kickass. Thanks to mom and dad for getting it for me. My parents love me. They rock.

My second new thing arrived when I was at work. It's wooden and replaced an old model from roughly the mid to late '70s, when disco died and wuss music reigned supreme. I have a new pretty deck. I can't wait to put up my bird feeder again so the birds can be all happy chirpy again.

My third new item has yet to be purchased, but it will be soon. His name is Discy, and he's a DVD player. I think he's at walmart now. I have to go meet him and some of his friends sometime this week and select the proper one for my liking.

I'm wondering if I'm going all electromagnetic on my electronics. 2 broke within 2 weeks of each other. Once again, if it isn't broken, it's not mine.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Jason (Yoda, Jay, JJ, Jassison) for loaning me his baby for the last 2 weeks. This little thing will be returned to him on thursday, at which time I will relinquish all foster care of it. I will miss this cute thing, but can't wait to see a big screen again and actually not have to worry about a friggin touch pad. But Jason's a good friend and he was willing to part with his laptop to help me out. I owe him and plan to do something nice for him.

There's a lot of stuff that's been going around about me lately and how I'm some sort of 'retard' or 'bad friend' or whatever. Well, sometimes you just have to smile and realize that deep down, you are a good person and there are people out there who know that. And I know that. Far too much time and energy goes into arguing and bickering like a bunch of women. I have neither the time nor the energy to argue with anyone right now. So I say, think what you want to think. I don't care. I have people who genuinely love and respect me and I offer them the same love and respect. If you don't need me in your life, I don't need you in mine. It is all mere distraction and I have too much to focus on to be caught up in these little bicker fights. Forgive, move on with your life. I'm not THAT important that I constantly need to be the focus of all the animosity. Not that I mind it, the attention is quite appreciated. However, I'd much rather have positive attention cast upon me than negative attention. Oh well. I know I'm a good person and I love who I am. If you choose to hate me, that's your deal and I will respect that. But it's your loss really. And stop calling me a 'bitch', like I don't already know that I am one. At one time, I reigned as queen of the bitches, but now I am a common bitch once again. I don't need to be reminded. It's like people coming up to me and saying 'Your name is Andrea'. Yep, I know that. Been told that tons of times. Hear it all the time. Doesn't affect me. Water off a duck's back. Quack quack, motherfuckers. I love each and every one of you, no matter what.

So, now that I have stepped off of my soapbox and finished my little aside, back to the blog entry.

I finished Dark Tower III yesterday and I must say, it's been my favorite of the series thus far. Left me with a few unanswered questions, but still, my favorite so far. if anyone is looking for any early birthday presents for me, I need books 6 and 7 (Song of Susannah and The Dark Tower) or a gift certificate by which to procure the aforementioned books. I'm looking forward to delving deeper into Dark Tower IV : Wizard and Glass at some point in the future. However, Posch loaned me Chuck Palhaniuk's 'Haunted' tonight, so I think I may start on that one before I continue the Dark Tower series. I need a stylistic change for a bit.

Toni and Erich got me presents from their trip. They got me a shot glass from Pennsylvania. It's got a crab on it. It's cute. Their pets also 'got' me a 25 dollar gift certificate to Target, the greatest store in the world. I could live at Target.

Tomorrow is trivia. My team really needs to pick it up. We sucked last week (probably because the lovely Posch wasn't there to assist with the music). Erich isn't gonna be there, so we're at a bit of a disadvantage as far as movie rounds go. Oh well, if we put our heads together, perhaps we can squeeze out enough brain power to muscle through. I'm a smart one, but I'm not a genius and I can't do it all by myself. Thanks to everyone who has helped out in the past.

So another blog entry is done. There was a lot of positivity in this one. I think that's a good thing, means that I'm not dwelling on negative words and aggression. I'm taking what I have and going with that, knowing that I am loved and that I am a good person.

Life's a garden. Dig it.

MUSIC --> "FFF" by Megadeth
LINK --> don't have anything right now. Go find a link of your own, preferably news-related. Everyone needs a little knowledge and a more centered world view.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Come please, I'm fallin, I'm fallin'

above lyrics from Nickelback - "Savin' Me"

First and foremost, I hear there's a new ride at Six Flags this season called the Superman Tower of Power or something like that. The premise is that you sit in this multi-seat car, similar to a mini-rush street flyer seating arrangement. You are taken 260 feet straight up in the air (about 23 stories) and dropped at 60 mph. Umm...yeah, you couldn't pay me to go on this ride. If someone offered me a million dollars tax free with a house and my dream car, I'd turn it down. NOTHING will ever get me on this ride. It sounds like a vomit fest waiting to happen. Supposedly you get negative g-force going down. I'll leave this ride to the idiots. No fucking way.

I highly recommend the new Tool album. It is well worth your 14 dollars. I have heard all of it, and it's awesome. Maynard and co's long awaited album was well worth the wait. It is exceptionally done. Good job guys! Now tour and come to StL so I can see ya.

Stuff is good otherwise, except for the whole broken computer, broken DVD player thing. Don't trust me around electronics. Everything I touch breaks! Oh well, if it isn't broken in some way, it doesn't belong to me. I recieved 2 A's in my classes. My cumulative GPA is 3.78, which basically means I fucking rule. I'm a smart one. Go me.

I think that's pretty much it. I hate my boss. He's a lying sack of shit that's trying to play me and the other lady against each other. Makes me sick to think of it. Don't want to comment further.

SONG -- "3 Libras" by A Perfect Circle


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Hey Bungalow Bill, what did you kill, Bungalow Bill?

above lyrics from 'The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill' by the Beatles

And it means nothing.

Hey you! Remember me, I'm Andrea.

It's 4:28 in the am and I'm awake. I went to bed at 9 with a horrendous headache and I just woke up. I'm happier than a pig in shit that it's gone. It was quite a bad one. Oh well, don't think about it or it will come back.

Things are going pretty well for me. I'm doing good in school, saving up my money, gonna get my car in my name sometime real soon. I've got no real health issues, except for the bad bad headache last night. All my friends are happy, so it can't get much better. Oh, and go Cardinals, especially David Eckstein.

Believe it or not, I have nothing to report really. You all have seen/talked to me enough to know what's going on right now. I really would like to go back to sleep for a bit, so I think I will.


Saturday, April 15, 2006

Wait for it...wait for it.

It's coming.


I promise


Music -- Unchain My Heart by Ray Charles

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Come on you raver, you seer of visions, come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine

from "Shine On, You Crazy Diamond" by Pink Floyd

Holy technology, Batman! A blog update!

Wow, has it been weeks and weeks already? It's been a busy time here in Andreaville. Where oh where to begin?

School -- My classes are absolutely amazing. I'm beginning to like my Wednesday class more than my Thursday class. Both are exceptional though and I'm really learning a lot in both of them. This education bug bit me a long long time ago and it continues to bite. I just can't get away from wanting to learn more and more, to devour as much of the information as I can, to explore every avenue and leave no stone unturned. And I don't need any special recognition, like someone saying that they're proud of me and I'm so smart or whatever. I know I am and will continue to flourish and shine, like the crazy diamond I am.

Work -- Don't even ask. I mean, I'm making money and getting a lot of work churned out, but really have nothing to show for it, considering my work goes unrecognized for weeks, my boss is a lazy man, and all of my ideas and implements are shut down almost completely. Oh well, once I have degree in hand, it will all be over. The insanity will end. Just gotta go in and do my job.

Friends -- I shake my head, but I smile at the same time. Some are good, some are not so good. Either way, things are really positive friend-wise for me right now. I'd like to thank Yoda and Joe and Angel for really being there for me lately. I've been sorta complain-y and a bit down on myself and those three have picked me up more than anyone will ever know.

I think that's all for now. I'm sure I'll update again sometime in the next month.


What I'm Listening to : "The Hollow" - A Perfect Circle
Where I Want You to Go : Video Games + Legos = A Hell of a Good Time

Monday, January 23, 2006

You're supposed to sit on your ass and nod at stupid things.

lyric from "Bill Lee" by Frank Zappa

Yeah, so I haven't updated in a while. Kiss my ass.

Hmmmm, let's see where we can go with this blog entry. Keep your hands inside the tram at all times.

I haven't heard anything regarding my car yet. I'm wondering if the other party is giving the insurance company the runaround. Oh well, it's not like me or my parents will be losing any money.

So work has been quite interesting lately, what with all the hoosiers running to and fro. It's great having lots of ghetto fabulous patients. Fought with the good doctor regarding the internet today. THat guy doesn't have a lot of good people on his side telling him correct information. He needs to learn a few things from my computer guys, they'll set his butt straight.

I have decided that I don't like the new bank I selected and will be returning to Anheuser-Busch Credit Union once my next check comes in. I already ordered checks and paid for them at ABECU, so I should be able to pay all my bills on time next week. Rent was already paid with a commerce check, so I can't wait to get out of that bank. I just don't like it.

I got rid of my digital cable. I don't really miss it, save for a couple shows that I was into on Showtime, but Jason said he'd burn all the episodes for me.

I wasn't feeling good last week, but now I'm feeling much better. I'd like to extend a get well to yoda. I think he has the flu or some 24-hour flu.

Speaking of sickness, I'm so fucking tired of hearing about the avian flu. Two kids from the same family in Turkey died last week. Do you know why they got the bird flu and died? Because their family raised chickens. To kill a chicken, you have to cut its head off with a really sharp knife, like a machete or a meat cleaver. I guess you could use a chainsaw. Anyway, back to the story. What did the kids do after their family killed the chickens? Well, they played catch with the chicken heads. Something tells me sanitation isn't all up to snuff in Turkey and they don't seem civilized enough to have the 10 o'clock news to talk about the other 8 people who have died of bird flu in their country, so granted, they probably have no idea. But that's my definition of fun right there, playing catch with a chicken head. Shit, go pick up a rock and play catch with that. Go play find the stick. Go throw dirt clods at each other. No, just play with bloody, diseased chicken heads, get bird flu, don't wash your hands before doing whatever, and die. I hope Americans are much smarter, but with some people, I doubt it. I'm sorry to sound insensitive, but I wish that stupidity was more painful than it is. Maybe then more people would think before doing something that retarded.

I think I finally have my head wrapped around something else. For those of you who are unaware, one of my former classmates from grad school was charged with 19 counts of statutory sodomy on her students. Now, she wasn't a friend like I had her cell phone number or anything like that, but me, her, and two others always sat at the same table or near each other in class. She was sort of like a mentor to me. I about crashed my car when I heard on the radio that she did this. That and my stomach tied itself in a knot and I almost barfed all over the steering wheel. I just got that sinking feeling, once I heard her name. You know what fucks me up more? They were MIDDLE SCHOOL SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN, mostly LD (learning disabled). Now, I ask you. These kids come from broken families, have learning disablities and special needs, I wonder if she once thought what kind of permanent harm she was doing to these children. I just want to go to that jail and shake her and just grab her by the throat and say "WHY? How dare you! You bitch." I guess the conclusion that I have come to is that sometimes you just don't know about people and that you really have to keep your guard up around everyone you come in contact with, at least a little bit. That way, when something fucked up like this happens, it won't affect you as much and you won't be so crushed. I was a bit crushed, because before this, she was sort of a role model to me, before any of this happened. I don't want someone like that to be a teacher. I don't want to be that kind of a person. That's not someone to make a role model. Someone who hurts children, special needs or not, but especially special needs, needs to be locked up and made someone's prison bitch. I hope they revoke her teaching license and she's never allowed to hurt children again. How do they let people like this even get teaching licenses. And it gives us pre-service and current teachers an awful rep.

First priests, now teachers. Back in the day, those were the people you could look up to and trust. Now, who is there left to look up to. Why do these WOMEN (and it's mostly women doing this shit, that's the fucked up part.) feel the need to do this. Goddamn, if you're unhappy in your marriage, get a fucking divorce. And if you're gonna cheat on your husband, not that I advocate that, but don't cheat on him by sucking off an 12 year old LD kid. Get someone your own age on the side, if divorce is not an option. Or fucking live with your unhappy existance like the rest of us do on a daily basis. For once, the men in the educational system aren't looked to as the sexual predators. It's us women. Last time I checked, middle school kids weren't attractive to me. Neither are elementary kids or high school kids. And I don't anticipate this changing. It just makes me sick. Makes me want to rethink being an educator in some instances, because if you can't trust educators with your children, who can you trust?

Wow, okay. I'm going to just get down from this soapbox now. Thank you all for listening. I ask for no insensitive comments to be posted regarding that, because it's something I take rather seriously.

I'm gonna leave you with a quote from the metal band Stuck Mojo regarding the above topic.

"You molester, striking fear and drawing tears. Scars are deep, the innocent you had to cheat. Capital punishment should be your favorite treat." - Stuck Mojo, Throw the Switch

Thanks for visiting,

Sounds : Fall Out Boy - Sugar, We're Goin' Down
Place to Go : A 19th Century Guide to Women

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Hallucinate, desegregate, mediate, alleviate, try not to hate, love your mate, don't suffocate on your own hate, designate your love as fate

above lyric from "Mediate" by INXS

The above lyric means nothing to the actual blog entry. It's just been stuck in my head all day.

Well, well. I wonder how things are going in Andrealand. Let's get a recap, shall we.

--Got in a car mishap. No one quite knows what happened. Long story. Not for the blog.

--Start back to school tomorrow. I'm excited, but then again, I'm a nerd.

--Last week, I picked up Dark Tower III after it sat dormant and halfway finished on my shelf for three months. Thanks for reminding me, Steve.

--You know everyone at your work has lost their fucking minds when you spend 45 minutes talking about gay people and hearing your super-religious, really mild mannered, pleasant office secretary use the word 'bull dyke'. You also realize that you've lost your mind when you join in on the conversation. Perhaps Thursday we will talk about something equally as fun.

--Super Smokers closed. Shame. That was such a good restaurant.

--Congrats to former Cards great Bruce Sutter on being elected to the Hall of Fame.

Wow, I really thought I had a lot more to say. I'm not pissed about anything, so I can't really rant. I'm not super duper excited about anything except school, so I can't do a happy dance about anything. I'm just sort of here.

Oh well, at least I updated.

More when I feel like it.


Current music -- "Rio" by Duran Duran
Links o' fun -- Julian Beever's pavement drawings -- you must check these out, they're amazing