Tuesday, July 26, 2005

He likes to keep his fire engine clean, it's a clean machine

above from "Penny Lane" by the Beatles.

If cleanliness is godliness, consider my home a holy shrine. 3 out of the 4 rooms in my apartment are now pretty and beautiful and clean. Woo hoo. The bedroom and the vacuuming are gonna be the toughest to tackle, but I'm up to the challenge. Up next, after the apartment gets in order, is tackling my car. That may be a much more daunting task than my apartment. I'm thinking of paying my sister 50 bucks to detail it for me.

Just saw the trailer for 'Walk the Line', the new Johnny Cash biopic. I'm going to see this movie for 2 reasons....First and foremost, Johnny Cash is the fucking man, hands down. Secondly, Joaquin Phoenix. He's yummy and I want to lick him. But moreso for the first reason. Johnny Cash. Fucking man.

Just got done watching Farenheit 9/11. I thought it was very well done. I love Charter on Demand. I demanded Farenheit and got it. It was on my free movies this month. Thank you Charter and Showtime. You are both lovely.

This time tomorrow, my trivia team and I may be enjoying a delicious win at O'Leary's trivia night. I'm not counting my chickens yet, but I'm confident that we will do well and will drink the sweet sweet nectar of victory.

I'm a big nerd. Can't wait to get back to school. I drove by the university the other day on my way to the Loop and I wanted to go in and go to school right then. 2 problems..it was nighttime and school doesn't start for another 3 weeks. I get this way about this time every year. Summer is way too long for me. I thirst for knowledge and right now, I'm 99% parched.

Had a strange dream last night. Remember bits and pieces of it. I remember being in a class at school with John Boyer, a guy I used to work with at KCOU, and some friend of his that I've never seen before in my life. We had fun in class. Then, I remember walking into Kurt from GBQ and Elements Of's practice at Kurt's apartment, opening the fridge, popping a beer, and leaving. Strange strange dream.

Nix let me borrow one of his books -- "Dave Barry's Guide to Guys". If you want a good laugh, read Dave Barry. He's hiliarious. Now, I know what you're thinking...if anyone needs a guide to guys, it's certainly not me. [insert Andrea is practically a guy joke here]. He just talks about being a guy and the ins and outs of being a dude. It's hilarious. It's written in such a way that girls could enjoy it too. That makes 5 books I'm currently reading. I need to finish them. I'm currently reading

--Dark Tower III
--Sixpence House
--D.B. Guide to Guys
--Invisible Monsters
and Doing Our Own Thing : The Degradation of Language and Music

I'm closest to finishing Dark Tower III, with Invisible Monsters a close 2nd. I've barely scratched the surface of the other 3.

The doctor comes back to work tomorrow, which means it is going to be hectic as hell around the office. All the freakshows will be out too. I think I'm gonna close the door to my office, put on KSHE, and tune everything out, just focus on my work.

Saw 2 movies this weekend -- The Island and Wedding Crashers. I'm not a movie reviewer. If you like mind-bending sci-fi flicks, go see The Island. If you want to pee your pants from laughing so hard, go see Wedding Crashers. It's fun. And it has Christopher Walken, who can take any movie and make it worth watching. I love me some Christopher Walken. And Vince Vaughn. I want to lick him too. He's money. (If you don't get the 'money' thing, watch Swingers and you will understand).

I've been contemplating burning some new theme CDs or even some genre or decade CDs. I've been playing the fuck out of Abbey Road and Janis Joplin's greatest hits that I think I've officially burned myself out on them. I don't like a lot of the new shit that's out today -- emphasis on the word 'shit'. so I think a move back to the classics is in order. Also been listening to a lot of techno lately. No, I'm not going 'rave-tastic' on you all. It's just really fun music to listen to. Mainly Fatboy Slim, Crystal Method, and Moby. Moby may be a uber-vegan wuss, but some of his stuff is cool. I'm listening to Moby right now as a matter of fact (thank you Joseph for putting Moby and other neato techno tunes on the server when we lived in Columbia).

Word on the street is that Pink Floyd just may be getting back together for a reunion tour. The original lineup. I would give both arms and my first born to see Pink Floyd in concert. Now granted, I'll be sober as a judge when I see them (notice I said 'when' I see them). Everone else will be getting all psychedelic and acid tripped out. Why alter your perception to see a band? I'm there for the music, not for the drugs. I could trip acid in my room and listen to Floyd. Anyway, that's besides the point. Should Floyd come to town, I will sell whatever belongings I need to sell and forego paying any bills that I have in order to have money to see Floyd. I don't need electricity for a couple days. I do need to see Pink Floyd.

I remember : going to see the Pink Floyd laser light show at the Science Center with Sparkamus, Yoda, Josh, PV, and Chuck. Now, that was good times indeed.

I think my I remember feature may become a semi-permanent fixture on this blog. It's good to wax nostalgic once in a while.

Mark your calendars -- August 19th to 21st. It's my birthday weekend. Now, I know the 20th is Quill Day and I respect that and will give Quill tons of birthday fun times. However, I will be celebrating mainly on the 19th and 21st. Plans are up in the air currently. I do know that Joe's Crab Shack is a contender for eats, and martinis at Rue 13 may also be in order. Yeesh, I'm gonna be 24. Oh, the humanity. Anyway, I will post further details when they become available (i.e. when I make up my mind on what the fuck I want to do.)

Well, I guess that's it. I"m a bit sleepy, so I'm gonna go fade into yet another dreamscape.

Music : Moby - Honey
Link : Yahoo! Movies (so you can watch the Johnny Cash movie trailer, cause i know you are all just dying with anticipation. I know I am)

There, Beaver. I'm done updating my blog. Hope you enjoyed reading it.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Smoke the day's last cigarette, rememberin' what she said

above lyric from Bob Seger (later Metallica) -- Turn the Page

Two updates in two days?! Could it be? I must be sick or something.

Actually, I think it's getting that way. I'm all sneezy. Oh well, I've been sick before, so it's not a big deal.

Tomorrow's gonna suck, but not worse than yesterday. I get hit with another 11-hour workday tomorrow. Yep, 8-7. Sorry folks, not gonna be able to join everyone at O'Leary's for some karaoke fun. Word on the street is that Nix is coming, so you guys will get to see him at least.

Yesterday was hard, and hectic, and very worrysome. I worked an 11-hour day. All the freaks that come to my work came to the office yesterday. Here's a quick rundown of a couple of the freaks.

**Names have been changed to protect the freaks**

Al -- Al is a black man in his late 30s. He's diabetic, partially blind, and walks with a cane. That's not why he's a freak. That's just a tragic part of his life. Al has decided that he doesn't like American women. Al's getting a mail order bride from the Philipines. Guess who he's recruited to write letters to her, since he's blind. Yep, me. So once she comes over here, I get to meet the woman I've been corresponding with. Don't worry, they're not letters of unrequited love. More friendship letters than anything. I'm Al's ghostwriter, only I'm a lot smarter than him, so when she meets him, he's gonna look like such a dumbass. Yay, big words. On top of all this, Al thinks he and I are buddies, but he loves to criticize me. In one day, he said he hated my hair cut, scoffed at me for drinking sugar soda, told me that he can cook Italian food better than me (you don't EVER say that to a Wop, unless you wanna suddenly get "disappeared". He also steals our lollipops, which are for the little kids of patients treating with us, not for 40 year old men with mental problems. He takes all the blue ones, like 10 at a time. Doc made me take him home one time, since he can't drive and his Call-a-Ride people didn't pick him up. I was never more anxious to get him out of my car. Lately, I've gone out of my way to be a smartass to him. I wanna do normal work, not talk to Al the freak.

Jim - Jim is in his 70s. He's retired from A-B. First, let's talk about Jim's family. Jim is married to Elizabeth, a woman who looks a hell of a lot older than 65. She walks with a cane and has a mouth like a trucker. She's also half deaf, so you have to scream at her in order to get her to hear you. She likes to tell me that I "favor my mother". She's met my mother and decided that we look alike, which we do. However, I don't need the woman pointing it out everytime she comes to the office. Jim has a son, who's in his 40s, named Jim, Jr. The best way I can describe him is Neanderthal. He wears ratty jean shorts, tight t-shirts (he's like 260 lbs) and has long hair and a long scraggly beard. He looks like Grizzly Adams. Or a sex offender. I'm not sure. Anyway, he's quiet and keeps to himself. Before I met Nix, Doc told me he'd set me up with Jim, Jr. For the rest of that day, I got back at Doc by not giving him any of his phone messages and playing computer games instead of doing work. Yay revenge! Anyway, back to Jim. He's a nice old man, but he is mentally fucked. He talks about the most random shit and jabbers on and on, only to flip to another subject in almost mid-sentence. Or, he'll just spout random shit. I was coming back from the bathroom and him and his wife were walking down the hall from the office. I say "Hi guys." His wife says "What?" and Jim says "We had omelettes for breakfast today. I like mine with cheese and green peppers". I said, "That's great, Jim. I like omelettes too. Anyway, I gotta go." I barricaded myself in my back office for the rest of the day.

Rick -- Rick is a felon. Rick lives in a halfway house. I had to take Rick to the bank one day so he could cash a check and pay money to the doctor. Rick didn't have his ID, only his Department of Corrections badge. Hooray for Take A Felon to the Bank day!

Anyway, those are 3 of the more colorful characters that come into my office. Believe me, I've got some stories to tell (like about a recent patient, who's in jail now for raping and suffocating a 70 year old woman 7 years ago, or about . And these people are coming in to have their backs worked on. They need to go to a fucking head doctor. Shit, all the crazies aren't locked up, it seems.

Well, I spent a long time talking about crazy folks. That's my job though, tending to the psychos.

11 hours tomorrow. I can handle it, cause I'm Super Andrea.

Last night was stressful. We had a bit of a scare with Jarrod, but it was our best show we've ever played other than that.

REMINDER : Trivia Night next Tuesday @ O'Learys. Jason has joined the squad and will be accompanying me next week. We wish for more people to come. Let me know if you would like to accompany Jedi Master Yoda and the Trivia Mistress to O'Learys for some asskicking. The lovely Miss Katie (college friend of the Jedi and myself) and guitar god Chuk may join us as well. Hmmm...technology, general useless info and music, entertainment, and history. We've got the total package. We need General Nate for WWII trivia and someone for sports and we've got all our bases covered. Anyone is welcome to attend. Lemme know. For a crash course in how NOT to play trivia at a bar, refer to the Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode "Super Trivia".

I have to get maintenance in here sometime in the next week to fix yet another leak. Somehow the air register in my living room is leaking water inside the wall. I have a waterspot on my living room wall and a drip drip into a puddle coming from my bedroom wall overhang. Fuck. I'm so tired of shit leaking in this apartment. Well, it's better than living in my car. At least my bed is comfortable (if you like sleeping on concrete, which I do).

Had lunch with Toni today. Caught up on stuff that's happened since the wedding and talked about the honeymoon. Found out some shit I really didn't care to know about. Okay, I did care to know about it, cause it was damned funny, but I will never tell anyone what I heard. I'm taking this one to the grave. Sorry.

A thought on Toni, if I may. We were pretty good friends in high school, it tapered off a bit in college, just cause I was at Mizzou and she was here. But she was dating Scuba and then Nick, so we were really never "not friends". There were just times we didn't talk as much as we do now. I thought of something a little while ago. She and I have become a whole lot tighter in the last year than we've ever been. This Amber fiasco has really brought us closer as friends. I don't care if anyone doesn't like her. All I know is that I had a lot of fun at lunch with her today. I don't do that with a lot of people. A little 1 on 1 time is nice once in a while. And she got me a cool shot glass from St. Martin, so she's like my favorite person right now. That's the way to my heart -- shot glasses. They're good times.

It's time for bed. I gotta get up in 4 1/2 hours for my 11 hour day and my daily dose of freakshow goodness. Oh, joy!

Pretty sounds -- "Cry Baby" by Janis Joplin
Link -- The Workday Simulator (this is one of my favorite timewasters. It makes my fun meter spin uncontrollably)

It's hot outside. Drink lots of water.

Monday, July 18, 2005

And The Beat Goes On...

above song lyric by Sonny and Cher

That's right. The beat goes on.
Lots of fun stuff has been happening here lately. Here's my update.

Hmmm...where to start.

--Slowly trying to regain a sense of normalcy since Nix moved out. No, I'm not mad or anything. I'm happy that he's happy. I will always worry about him and care deeply about him. However, I think this is the best thing for both of us.

--Been hanging out with the old group lately. How we've all stayed friends this long is anyone's guess.

--Toni and Erich's wedding. Yeah. There's been enough bullshit spewed about that. I'm just gonna say that it was a beautiful wedding, and despite the snafus, I'd do it again. Can't fault me for that, so don't even try.

--Go see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It's great!

--Got sick of my fake nails for the wedding. Pulled each and every one of them off, discovering that my pain threshhold is higher than I originally thought

--Scarlet Whore TOMORROW at the RED SEA. 8 pm. BE THERE!

Hmmm...what else.


Happy belated birthdays to:
and Len!

I hope you all ate lots of birthday cake and got good presents.

I thought I had a lot more to write about....oh well.

Ketchup was sold in the 1830s as medicine.
On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily.
The mask used by Michael Myers in the original "Halloween" was a Captain Kirk mask painted white.
A tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion will make it instantly go mad and sting itself to death.

Well, now you do.


Song of the Day : /\/ | \/\ - "The Day the World Went Away (Quiet)"
Link of the Day : Design Your Own Hell

Friday, July 08, 2005


not a song. I don't need a song title for this one.

Early in june, I did something. I didn't think and I ended up hurting someone deeply. I was selfish and thought only of myself. Tonight, those actions of mine came back to haunt me, in the darkest way possible. I saw a side of the person that I hurt that I've never seen before. And you know what, I deserved everything I got -- every scream, every yell, every "Fuck off", every "Fuck you" every "I hate you", every "fucking bitch". I deserved it and they were justified in giving it to me. This is my apology.

@Nix -- I can offer you only one thing. My sincere apology. True, it may not be worth much, but inside, I feel like nothing. I feel like I betrayed you and ruined your life. I feel like shit right now, and I deserve to feel that way, because I didn't think about you on the one day that mattered to you the most. I was selfish. I wish there was a better way to say I'm sorry, and I know that it will never fix it completely. If I could go back in time and do it all over again, I'd do it so much differently. I'd listen to your story, I'd let you go off on your own, to have time to think and to not think about the thing that haunts you most in life. I'd let you have your day. Instead, I was selfish and thought of myself. That makes me a horrible person and I hope that you will find it in your heart to forgive me. I never want to go through what I went through tonight...all the rage and anger. It scared me, it upset me. I care about you deeply, with every fiber of my heart I care about you. I feel horrible and am publicly outing myself as someone who cares only about themselves, a selfish human, full of guilt and sorrow. Someone who hurts the ones they love, even if it's not deliberately. A terrible person, condemened to a life of confusion and pain because of the selfish decision I made. I would do anything in the world to make this up to you. Anything at all, any cost, any action. But for now, all I can offer is my apology and a plea for forgiveness, from a selfish human.